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  1. H

    Issue with door lock and window slow going up and down

    Must have been a loose ground...
  2. H

    Issue with door lock and window slow going up and down

    And make sure you don't have the keys in the ignition when tying to diagnose the power door locks -- On a 2000 XJ the doors will not lock with the keys in the ignition
  3. H

    Issue with door lock and window slow going up and down

    Lots of people have the same issues, and it starts with confirming the condition of the wires connecting the door to the frame -- Think about it, you have a 20 year old vehicle, I don't know your milage but think about how many times that door has been opened and shut -- those wires get abused...
  4. H

    Issue with door lock and window slow going up and down

    Broken wires in the door boot -- same answer on this forum as the others
  5. H

    2000 Jeep XJ

    This is so true...
  6. H

    2000 Jeep XJ

    So how did it turn out?
  7. H

    2000 Jeep XJ

    I’ll bet money the passenger floor is rotted too Pull off the interior panels in the rear,right where the rust is, bet the rear fender/wheel well is filled with mud You say 97,000 on this engine — how many miles on the chassis? some sort of rebuilt engine? Done by who? Receipts? My opinion...
  8. H

    My 1999 XJ build thread

    Isn't that tablet mount right in front of the passenger side airbag? Thats gonna make one hell of a projectile with an airbag deployment
  9. H

    Bought then Built XJ for EXPO and etc

    While your exhaust and intake manifolds are out why not pull the freeze out plugs and the 2 drain plugs You would then really be able to clean out the water jacket around the cylinders — most likely the freeze out plugs could use a replacing anyway — use good brass plugs instead of steel I...
  10. H

    FS: Properly Built Land Cruiser 100 series $17,500 NJ SOLD!!!

    I’m in Jersey — what zip code are you in? If you’re close I think I’d like to come take a look at both your vehicles for sale, I could certainly have my arm twisted into buying something so well taken care of I’m in middlesex borough - zip is 08846
  11. H

    Fiskars chopping axe on sale Amazon

    I happened to see this post about 12 minutes after it was posted — ordered my axe then even though I already have one Great axe and I’ll just put This one in another truck
  12. H

    Adventures of Hodor, A Gladiator Build Thread

    Just blew it for me -- I never want to own a vehicle that shuts off at a stoplight Can you turn this feature off????
  13. H

    ARB Drawer system (RD945/RDRF945)

    I'd be all over these but it's a helluva long drive from NJ
  14. H

    DeWalt 1/2" Impact with 5Ah battery: $225

    My order showed up yesterday also -- impact wrench, right angle drill and 2 free batteries
  15. H

    DeWalt 1/2" Impact with 5Ah battery: $225

    Looks like there is a countdown timer next to the free battery offer -- at the moment it's 356 hours and change -- you have time as long as you can cancel your order before they ship Mine was processed and shipped within 24 hours of ordering -- hopefully the weekend helps you
  16. H

    DeWalt 1/2" Impact with 5Ah battery: $225

    So it looks like I know what is going on -- PV Hiker, Did you add the free battery to your order? If I go thru their system and fail to add the free battery then I clearly see where to enter the discount code -- if you add the free battery then the space for the discount code is gone PVHiker...
  17. H

    DeWalt 1/2" Impact with 5Ah battery: $225

    I did use the red checkout button --never gave me the option to use the promo code and I was looking for it -- Maybe I'll send them an email I just went back thru their system, still don't see where to enter any codes -- Sent them an email, I'll let you know what they say
  18. H

    DeWalt 1/2" Impact with 5Ah battery: $225

    I just jumped on this too — also ordered the dewalt right angle drill and received another 3 ah battery free 2 tools 2 free batteries $338 to my door Wouldn’t let me use the $20 off dad coupon either
  19. H

    +++ForSale: Eberlestock bags SOLD

    With a fresh bump...
  20. H

    +++ForSale: Eberlestock bags SOLD

    None of the links work — 404 the page you requested does not exist