What zip code are you in? I’m in Jersey I’d like to see how far you are — maybe plan a drive into VA to check it out
I’ve always wanted to build an ambulance RV the reality of me actually doing it gets further and further away as I get older — maybe it’s time to just buy one already done
Do you have any pictures of the cab? What is your time frame- how long before you go to Hawaii?
How about the rear doors — Do they open wide enough for an ATV to get inside?
I would think that forcing air thru coal in a lightweight camping wood stove will turn your stove into melted pile of goo
Just be sure your 1st burn is over something very fireproof
And take video!
I recently bought a 3 pack of those 3 aa collapsible led lanterns from costco — they had been around awhile and I never really paid them much attention — I happened to catch them on sale so I took a look
Turns out they have 4 modes — high and low white light then a solid red and a red flasher...
When checking out Monstaliner be sure to check out their chassis saver too — it’s comparable to POR 15
Usually can be found cheaper than POR too
Chassis saver just needs a scuffing before top coat — take the shine off with a 3m pad
I'm thinking the aluminum case may be more desirable when the heater unit is enclosed in a toolbox with no outside air circulation -- I also think there are some upgrades in the version 2 unit electronics
When I saw it was a 2000 I was thinking you should have waited for a 99 -- to stay away from those stupid pre-cats and 4 O2 sensors
But I see in one of the pictures underneath -- An O2 sensor after the big cat = Federal emissions with no pre-cats
Nice find for sure
Actually what stopped me from burning coal was the price -- when diesel fuel was upwards of $4 per gallon -- It just skyrocketed the cost of a load of coal -- made it not worth it and I transferred over to wood -- one of my stoves is Multi fuel -- burns wood just as well -- the 2nd stove is not...
Burning coal is great, once a good fire was built I would only need to open the stove 3 times a day -- and it would hold 400*
As for the ash -- It depends on the quality of the coal -- I'm in NJ, I used to take a dump truck right to coal country in PA -- I'd figure out who had the best coal...
I do have a few years experience burning coal at home in a coal burning stove -- I wouldn't expect you will be able to get a long burn like you want in a stove thats not designed to burn coal
1st off by just looking at the pictures the air intake is wrong -- I have 2 different coal stoves in my...
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