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  1. Yuman Desert Rat

    Snow Peak Addiction

    The fire pit is heavy not super bulky but you would need to haul wood or charcoal. The 2 burner stove is heavy and a little bulky. With all SP stoves youll need fuel canisters. The baja burners are great, too. The 2 burner stove IS on sale at REI. Its not too bad to set up, either. Probably...
  2. Yuman Desert Rat

    Snow Peak Addiction

    It depends on the trip... if you're making and breaking camp everyday; less is more. What will be your mode of transportation? That is also a huge factor. Also, what are your cooking and eating expectations?
  3. Yuman Desert Rat

    SOLD-National Luna Weekender 50L Fridge/Freezer

    Look up... Yuma, AZ... ;)
  4. Yuman Desert Rat

    Snow Peak Addiction

    No.. its actually humorous... sounds like you might need that form...? To soak up your tears, maybe...?
  5. Yuman Desert Rat

    Snow Peak Addiction

    A good friend forwarded this to me.... (disclaimer) I have no affiliation, but found it hilarious. Especially if youve ever spent any time over on EE.. I just had to share this.
  6. Yuman Desert Rat

    Snow Peak Addiction

    Not the same mechanism. Thanks for the photo. Yeah. Any old IB canister will do the job.
  7. Yuman Desert Rat

    Snow Peak Addiction

    Any fuel source that has a lindal valve should work just fine. Regardless of the blend. I was curious to see the bottom of the stove (flipped over view) I assume it has the same cannister retention system as the baja burner?
  8. Yuman Desert Rat

    Snow Peak Addiction

    Post up a photo of your stove that youre asking about.
  9. Yuman Desert Rat

    Snow Peak Addiction

    I dont understand what you mean?
  10. Yuman Desert Rat

    Snow Peak Addiction

    As long as is its ISO butane with a lindal valve, you shouldnt have an issue.
  11. Yuman Desert Rat

    Snow Peak Addiction

    Upside down just aids in the flow of fuel. You can do the same with the baja burner. Rightsde up or upside down.
  12. Yuman Desert Rat

    Snow Peak Addiction

    The ISO butane canisters are all the same diameter and all have lindal valves. There are other brands of ISO butane canisters available. Most camping sections sell them. Even walmart has them. Your could go propane, too with a Kovea adapter. There are other brands on Amazon too. There is also a...
  13. Yuman Desert Rat

    Snow Peak Addiction

    Yeah it is. About $225 with tax. Free shipping... smoking deal!
  14. Yuman Desert Rat

    Snow Peak Addiction

    Last I heard was the improved version was going to be released this fall... Well.... Its
  15. Yuman Desert Rat

    Snow Peak Addiction

    US, huh? Been posting on there for years? Birds of a feather... ...bye, felicia... please run along back to the crack... the turds in the toilet might be missing you. Feel free to repost my photos there and talk ********...
  16. Yuman Desert Rat

    Snow Peak Addiction

    I wasnt claiming to have "discovered" anything... just pointing out ******************** where I see it.. especially when its pointed at folks I consider friends, here and elsewhere.... If you wan to condone, promote or participate in it, feel free... but this isnt the place for that...
  17. Yuman Desert Rat

    Snow Peak Addiction

    Its not a trick... its his toilet bowl and hes the big turd in it. Going there to try to reason with a ********** talking ************** and his lemmings would be an exercise in futility... and Im through wasting time explaing myself to you... feel free to go to the plumbers crack to vent if you have an...
  18. Yuman Desert Rat

    Snow Peak Addiction

    Stu, If youre here to defend a guy that just farted in the face of the majority of the participants of this thread, you might want to go get more febreeze or go join crew over in the plumbers crack... I dont need to or wish to waste my time over there... the juice isnt worth the squeeze. ....Oh...
  19. Yuman Desert Rat

    Snow Peak Addiction

    To answer the above question.... A person needs as much propane as THEY feel THEY need... The rest.... Is ZERO concern of mine.... valet parking, mall crawlers, stickers, propane tanks, KOA, Dennis the Menace, Snow Peak haters.... I could give 2 $h!ts. Unprofessionalism, vile hate and...