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  1. rickashay

    Trans-Canada: North America and the Canadian Rockies

    Excellent photos and write up, thank you for sharing. Really enjoyed your perspective and experience on a place that was my backyard (Calgary & area) until last year. It's crazy to see some of the places and adventures you had that I as a resident never even experienced. (some, not all...) Crazy...
  2. rickashay

    FS: Autohome Columbus Medium(gunmetal), FrontRunner rack/etc, Fiamma F35 Pro awning

    Any idea if the Autohome is the Regular or XL length? You state size Medium, but I know they offer two lengths. Thanks!
  3. rickashay

    Show us your Toyota 4runner, tacoma or truck.

    This has been a long time in the works but we will be releasing the full Colossal 2017 Video on Jan 28th where it will be posted on our website >>> <<< In the meantime... here is the trailer ;)
  4. rickashay

    *RickRunner* - Rickashay's 05 T4R

    This has been a long time in the works but we will be releasing the full Colossal 2017 Video on Jan 28th where it will be posted on our website >>> <<< In the meantime... here is the trailer ;)
  5. rickashay

    Colossal 2017 - The Canadian Wild.

    This has been a long time in the works but we will be releasing the full Colossal 2017 Video on Jan 28th where it will be posted on our website >>> <<< In the meantime... here is the trailer ;)
  6. rickashay

    Leibbrand's 06 DC Limited Tundra Build

    Nice rear bumper! Looks familiar ;)
  7. rickashay

    *RickRunner* - Rickashay's 05 T4R

    I must be more ricer at heart than italian. LOL I appreciate the good humor and won't be changing a thing. Not until my faux-wood vinyl shows up at least. hahaha I recently switched over to my winter wheel/tire setup. I'll be daily driving the 4Runner this winter and using it a fair amount on...
  8. rickashay

    Show us your Toyota 4runner, tacoma or truck.

    Not sure if I posted this yet: _08I6278.jpg by Addison Rickaby, on Flickr Winter Mode engaged: _MG_3997.jpg by Addison Rickaby, on Flickr
  9. rickashay

    Charliedontsurf FJ Cruiser Build...

    I have built several rigs as well and totally agree with many of the sentiments here. The FJ cruiser in stock form is hugely capable offroad. Moreso than you would guess... the rear locker, A-Trac, and decent articulation are probably more in stock form than 80% of the people need to get out and...
  10. rickashay

    seanpistol's 01 Tundra

    I hate unhappy endings... glad the owner is ok but brutal news for one of the raddest Tundra's out there.
  11. rickashay

    Show us your Toyota 4runner, tacoma or truck.

    Part 4 is now live. >>> View it HERE. 20170925-_MG_2432 by Tamarack Media Co., on Flickr 20170925-_MG_2396 by Tamarack Media Co., on Flickr
  12. rickashay

    *RickRunner* - Rickashay's 05 T4R

    Wow, I appreciate taking the time to sign up just to drop in here! You'll find way too much valuable info within this forum though to JUST stick around my build thread. This site rules and you'll be glad you signed up! Part 4 is now live. >>> View it HERE. 20170925-_MG_2432 by Tamarack Media...
  13. rickashay

    Colossal 2017 - The Canadian Wild.

    \ PART 4 \ Day 3. High cloud ceilings allow for ample light and the feeling of calm that only a morning in the mountains can provide. The lake remains still as glass as people begin to emerge from their sleeping quarters...some slower than others (guilty). Breakfast is cooked and the crowd...
  14. rickashay

    Colossal 2017 - The Canadian Wild.

    Thanks for hanging in there! It's a lot of work indeed planning a trip like this, but absolutely worth it when it comes together and you know all that partake enjoy themselves. It's all about the good people in this "hobby" though, the views are just icing on the cake! LOL I must admit I...
  15. rickashay

    Eastern Sierras November 2017 Trip Report *Very Pic Heavy*

    As much as I love to read a good trip report or story, there is nothing that beats A+ photography for getting me inspired to get out and explore. You've done just that with your amazing photos, such a gorgeous area that is now officially on my trip bucket list. Props and thanks for sharing!
  16. rickashay

    2004 Tundra Adventure Cab - Build/Adventure Thread

    Wow Jose, the truck is looking great! Sure has come along way in the last year. How come no front locker, especially since you were in there for the gears?
  17. rickashay

    Show us your Toyota 4runner, tacoma or truck.

    Nice moves! Truck is looking good with the new setup. Where was this
  18. rickashay

    Show us your Toyota 4runner, tacoma or truck.

    Enjoying the fall/winter transition up in the great white north. _08I5875.jpg by Addison Rickaby, on Flickr _08I5829.jpg by Addison Rickaby, on Flickr
  19. rickashay

    *RickRunner* - Rickashay's 05 T4R

    Part 4 of COLOSSAL 2017 now live HERE. 20170923-_08I4540 by Tamarack Media Co., on Flickr