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    *SOLD* Quickpitch Weathershade 270 Awning

    why are you selling? how do you like the awning? i was thinking of a shadow but this looks cool as well. I am over in idaho so may be able to work out a way to pick it up sometime. let me know
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    Looking for a 2-camera wireless system for fullsize pickup

    Late to the party but i had the same problem on my f150. i took the tailgate apart, separated the camera part of the harness from the rest and redirected out below tailgate and attached to the diagonal part of the fixed arm of the rigd. i would show you pics but switched to a full barn door...
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    Four Wheel Camper ‘Project M’

    I have an OVRLND and can shed maybe a little light. First is weight. long bed f150 at right around 350 lbs. Now of course this is a little bit cheating since i am building out some drawers etc that will weigh a bit more but will still come in way under the dry weight of a FWC. I will be...
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    ovrlnd camper - full vertical hatch vs full barndoors

    Wow! thanks for all the responses today! I had tried the rokblock and all the bulb seal i could fit in all the spots, sealed all the seams in the bed and put a dust flap on the bottom of the barn doors. all to no avail! I can't figure out what i am missing. My f150 tailgate has the added...
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    2nd Gen Dodge Ram 2500 5.9 Cummins / The “Puller” Project

    Thinking about doing the same with my ovrlnd camper. what size bolts and how many did you use? I assume steel? a lot of people talk about not mixing metal types, did you have any worries about that?
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    WTB alucab shadow awning - Left hand swing - located in Boise, ID

    Not freestanding right? If not then no, really want something freestanding, don't think i would use it much otherwise. I dont use my current arb 1250 due to it even being kind of annoying to setup
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    2019 Frontier SV 4x4 Crew Cab LWB weekend adventure truck build

    I have front and rear windows on my ovrlnd. I can see pretty decently out the back, plus they let more light in when in camper mode. just my 2c
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    WTB alucab shadow awning - Left hand swing - located in Boise, ID

    anyone selling one in the west who could meet up or ship for some reasonable price? let me know
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    2nd Gen Dodge Ram 2500 5.9 Cummins / The “Puller” Project

    I'd love to see some close ups of how it seals out dust in the back and the interface of the camper and where the tailgate used to be
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    ovrlnd camper - full vertical hatch vs full barndoors

    I have an ovrlnd on a ford f150 and love everything about it but the dust. this is NOT due to the camper but more the crazy porous f150 tailgate. the little spoiler on the rearmost portion of the tailgate makes sealing even harder. Currently have half barndoors on the camper. Also use a...
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    What Camper should I get? (Project M vs AT Atlas vs GFC vs Super Pacific x1)

    Congrats on the order! I have an ovrlnd too and imagine you are gonna love it. Currently building out the inside. Have it on a f150 6.5' bed and absolutely love how much damn room we have. Previously had a gfc on a long bed taco but got tired of feeling so cramped and the terribly...
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    For Sale- Alu Cab Drivers Side Shadow Awn With roof rack mount -Western NJ Area

    would you ship to idaho? if so, let me know price for shipping. id take it without the mounting brackets too if you wanted to sell em separately if that makes a difference
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    Another OVRLND Camper Build

    2019 with the 3.5 ecoboost (4 door long bed doesn't come in 2.5 otherwise probably would have gotten that). pre-camper i was getting almost 22mpg on a good day. now getting about 18. got a wind fairing that i'm interested to see if it helps. truck has a ridiculous amount of power. i think...
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    Another OVRLND Camper Build

    As a former taco owner turned F150 4 door 6.5' bed owner... full size makes the ovrlnd, as my partner calls it, "palatial". it's huge. I love the extra space in the bed as well as well as the cab since we do a fair number of trips with another couple or friend and can fit all the gear, 3 dogs...
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    Another OVRLND Camper Build

    what did you use for those outside lights? can you control from in the truck as a spot light for campsite finding or just from the camper? Haven't gotten anything done on mine yet, moving next week so decided to put off any work until after that so we have the full bed available to move.
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    Strider Colorado ZR2 Duramax Explorer Build and Trips

    I'd take that! That's about what i lost when i installed my Ovrlnd. trying to figure out a solution for my rig to attach one. did you have a lot of wind noise before and if so, did it help with that as well? Mine gets pretty loud above 65 mph
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    Another OVRLND Camper Build

    Yup, on Monday! I am interested to measure the actual headroom in an F150. I think even with a drawer system sitting on the wheel wells i would still have about 4" of headroom (i'm 5'10" tall) so i'll see if that feels too claustrophobia inducing. I really liked having just a flat platform...
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    Another OVRLND Camper Build

    Love it man! I pick mine up on Monday. Psyched to get going on the buildout. Still cant decide if I am going to do a deck and drawers with a few taller cabinets vs all cabinets with a central galley like yours. We had a deck/drawer on our old tacoma setup and usually cook out the back hence...
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    Shell type pop-ups, who has em?

    Love the look of the atlas too. but i am a fan of the boxy look of Ovrlnd too. Just for perspective though, the bed on the atlas is 48" wide, I think my ovrlnd on the f150 will be 68". Not only a much roomier bed for me and the lady, but feels way roomier in general due to the vertical side...