2nd Gen Dodge Ram 2500 5.9 Cummins / The “Puller” Project

Spencer for Hire

Active member
You are correct, I don‘t have clamps. I used big bolts to secure my Hiatus to the bed. See the below two pictures showing this. There are 5 large bolts each side. Since I was going to be doing extensive 4x4 trails, I wanted something more durable and reliable then clamps. Also the bolts are out of the way compared to the clamps, which made the build out of the interior much easier.

The camper does have a double bulb seal on the bed rails.

Am I selling it? .... good question. Everything is always for sale at the right price. I was tempted to buy an Earth Cruiser a few months back as it was gunna be a deal of life time, but that deal has come and gone. So unless someone wants to pay a stupid price for my rig (just being honest), it will likely be my rig for the next decade or so.

View attachment 621171View attachment 621172

Thanks now I see. Regarding the windows, if you wanted to stealth sleep without popping the roof I see Hiatus will put sliders for ventilation in the side doors but that may decrease security and privacy. Earthcruiser, interesting, I just saw a home made one sell here, maybe another project for you the future.


You are correct, I don‘t have clamps. I used big bolts to secure my Hiatus to the bed. See the below two pictures showing this. There are 5 large bolts each side.

Thinking about doing the same with my ovrlnd camper. what size bolts and how many did you use? I assume steel? a lot of people talk about not mixing metal types, did you have any worries about that?


Well-known member
Thinking about doing the same with my ovrlnd camper. what size bolts and how many did you use? I assume steel? a lot of people talk about not mixing metal types, did you have any worries about that?

I don’t remember the bolt size, but they are beefy. They are stainless steel. Yea, “mixing“ steel can be an issue, but the rail of the Hiatus is aluminum, so a stainless steel bolt on the aluminum rail is no rail issue. The only place where it’s steel on steel is on the under side of the truck bed lip its self. The steel bolt / nut is secured there to hold the Hiatus down. For me, the bed of my truck is bed lined, so this is on barrier between the two steel types. Second, I generously coasted the stainless steel bolt / nut with silicon when installing. I did this to stop the “steel on steel” potential issues, the silicon acts as a gasket for water, and help stop any squeaking noises or things of this nature from happening.


Well-known member
What are your plans if any, to further insulate the tub of the bed?

No plans for further insulation. In the isle area we have heavy rubber mats due to the corrugation in the bed (with the rubber mats you cant feel them while standing). Then we have heavy bathroom like mat carpets on top of the rubber mats. This keep the major truck bed area on the inside of the Hiatus relatively well insulated I suppose.

The storage boxes / bench’s in my Hiatus have no insulation between them and the truck bed it’s self. I considered it, but it would take up real estate inside the benches which I would prefer to use for items I need vs the minor (my opinion) insulation qualities I could add. I suppose I could carpet (bed rug) the inside area on my benches, which would add insulation, but when I considered that originally I though it would be more of a pain to clean and vacuum if carpet was in that area. To keep it clean now, I just use a shop vac between trips and having the truck bed down there makes that job easier.

Also, 90% of my time I seek good weather camping and don’t enjoy fair weather camping for the most part. So, personally, I don’t have the need for the extra insulation. In the event when I get cold, I just simply turn on our Little Budddy heater and it work perfectly! First 5-10min I set it on high, then after that I have no choice but to turn it down to low before it becomes an oven in the Hiatus.


Well-known member
I hope all of you had an awesome Thanksgiving!
So I decided I wanted to add little unique touches here and there in the camper. I founds this amazing hand made Nordic axe to mount on the fridge slider. Have not found a asthetic way to secure the axe here yet, but thought I would share what I was thinking.5D1859A1-BAE7-4BCE-A0B4-2BC69994073D.jpeg


Well-known member
Will it be just for art or do you plan to use it too. If only art, can you use two screws into the handle from the back side.

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New member
I hope all of you had an awesome Thanksgiving!
So I decided I wanted to add little unique touches here and there in the camper. I founds this amazing hand made Nordic axe to mount on the fridge slider. Have not found a asthetic way to secure the axe here yet, but thought I would share what I was thinking.



Well-known member
Will it be just for art or do you plan to use it too. If only art, can you use two screws into the handle from the back side.

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It will just be for art, so thats a good idea - thanks!


New member
I hope all of you had an awesome Thanksgiving!
So I decided I wanted to add little unique touches here and there in the camper. I founds this amazing hand made Nordic axe to mount on the fridge slider. Have not found a asthetic way to secure the axe here yet, but thought I would share what I was thinking.View attachment 627946

How many months did it take?

Spencer for Hire

Active member
I was reading that the walls are slanted. How much are they slanted? Does it affect you from sitting up and leaning against wall especially with your type of build? Is your video coming out soon? Also I was looking at an older video you did and it looks the walls are showing scrape marks from opening. You see them on the left side from your March 1 IG video. Are they from the opening process or something else? Thx
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Well-known member
I was reading that the walls are slanted. How much are they slanted? Does it affect you from sitting up and leaning against wall especially with your type of build? Is your video coming out soon? Also I was looking at an older video you did and it looks the walls are showing scrape marks from opening. You see them on the left side from your March 1 IG video. Are they from the opening process or something else? Thx

Hey Spencer! I hope you’ve been well. Thanks for the questions.

1) I dont know how much the walls are slanted in a degree measurement. That being said, they are slanted as much as standard campers are. The slant more or less lines up with the cab to make a flush look. It’s important to note, that @HiatusCampers can make them a square box with no slant, if you’d prefer that. The lines and look wont be as sleek, but if you’d prefer the box shape you have that choice - 100% up to you.

Here are some pictures (with and without the build out inside) that might give you a better idea on the amount of slant it has:


2) Now the slant on the driver side seating area does stop you from fully leaning against the wall. If you wanted to do that you would need to sit against the cab of the truck. For me, its not uncomfortable at all. It kind of feels like sitting on cooler for a chair (we’ve all done it!). I normally sit against the back of the cab, with my legs stretched out down the drives side bench area. When you do this though, you can only see out the back windows / doors since your head is too high to see out the pop panel on the drivers side. So, when I really want to take in the view, I actually site in the isle with my back against the back bench and my feet points towards the doors of the Hitatus, which is super nice.

If I really want to lounge around I can jump up in the loft and use that with even more comfort.

Last ditch effort, you can simply pull the bed platform out (takes literally 2 seconds) and hang out that way.

ALL that being options - you will still normally find me in a camper chair (+IPA) outside enjoying the views that way. Even though its a ”live in” style camper, old habit die hard for me and I use it more like a “live out of.”

Ill send some pictures of me sitting in the different locations I mentioned tonight and post them to you can see everything I’m talking about.

3) I am not sure what you saw in the video, I re-watched it on our IG. I am assuming this is the March 1 video of me opening the Hiatus. Regardless, no I do not have any scratches from opening and closing it - I am not sure what you are seeing. Maybe you can screen shot it and show me?



Well-known member
@Spencer for Hire

Here are the pictures of me sitting in different location as I mentioned in my above post. I’m 5ft 8inches tall for ref.

Still have not found time to make the video I promised. Work and life has kept me booked up. I will get to it soon though.B3556DE0-E193-4693-81E6-0EA29F7F6BE0.jpegEF370ED8-7F43-4247-9AA5-516E38EDFCDE.jpegBE2E082C-9DE2-4635-9C09-B71C0F92B482.jpegDB209226-82A6-4530-950C-78C8C06D8431.jpeg


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