Search results

  1. Andrew_S

    DC/DC & Battery monitor shunt placement

    Thanks for that! I was just misunderstanding the negatives to the shunt. Reworked my diagram, should make sense now. Thank you for clarifying, that's exactly what I needed. Thanks for that info. The lights currently run off the truck battery, no issues there. Thank you, I appreciate the...
  2. Andrew_S

    Colorado slide in camper build

    YES! Awesome work. It feel like it was yesterday we were standing in my garage talking about this. Good on you for following through and coming out with an absolutely mint camper in the end. The finish work on the interior is unreal. I'm taking notes over here. Now for the million dollar...
  3. Andrew_S

    Ram 5500 Fire Crew Carrier Overlanding Camper Build

    Very cool build! Pretty well the perfect size and finish imo. Can't wait to see more adventure pics.
  4. Andrew_S

    DC/DC & Battery monitor shunt placement

    I'm working on a small 12v system for my homebuilt camper. It's a basic setup, start battery -> dc/dc ->house battery -> bmv -> accessories (heater, actuators, lights) Bear with me as this is my first dabble in the 12v realm. My question is where should the shunt be placed in the system...
  5. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    On todays epidose of " Things learned the hard way" You should definitely heed the warning "use only honda power steering fluid" I did not, and a couple days later the fluid ate through all the seals on the wifes power steering rack... 6 hours later and it's hopefully fixed. Quick...
  6. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    Thanks for all the good words guys. Real short update here, Big maintenance day for the '86... Been putting off repairing this hanger for literally months. I think it took me longer to switch tanks on the welder then the repair. Picture does a horrible job of doing the amount of work and...
  7. Andrew_S

    72 IH + ‘85 Alaskan = Questionable Judgment...

    This is the coolest build, can't wait to see more.
  8. Andrew_S

    My OVRLND build

    Awesome, thanks for that suggestion. I think you may have just confirmed the direction that I'm headed.
  9. Andrew_S


    Looking back now, yup sandwich panels would have been very easy. At the time of conception they seemed like a crazy technology I could never grasp lol. This build was truly trial by fire. The forward flip up panels seal very similar to the alaskan style campers. The entire top box has a D shaped...
  10. Andrew_S

    My OVRLND build

    Awesome. The OVRLND units are so nice. I was just contemplating using relectix to finish out the inside of our camper and was trying to figure out an effective way to accomplish this. How do you like the velcro?
  11. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    Truly the last post this time, last day, soliddd bridge Cool surprise at this site, giant swing set Skunk cabbage Liver lake Kidney lake, Noisy Creek Made the 1000km trip without issue. Camper worked flawlessly. Great trip.
  12. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    Found a new beautiful campsite The wifey inspecting a washout/slide Big mouth creek inlet Found a single morel at the airstrip rec site. Re-found a new campsite, mint spot Frog falls - 3 valley gap area Ran into a grizzly for the first time ever in the backcountry, fortunately...
  13. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    Last post, we just completed a 6 day trip up the northern Kootenay Region First night out, only caught a Kokanee Unreal scenery up here Day 2, paddling up an inlet off revy lake No fish Day 3 & 4 - Kinbasket Lake Finding "the" spot 3 days of just sleeping, eating, fishing and...
  14. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    In the midst of all that we did a few mushroom picking days. while picking I came across this super rare Rubber Boa, These rock walls are always honey holes at the base. Reaping the rewards Some of the terrain Collected a big piece of the puzzle for the solid axle swap...
  15. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    I had to check a map to be sure but no it was not the protected area. We were just slightly south of the border. Yea man those Cedars are so beautiful. That woodpecker was certainly interesting. I guess if you spend enough time outdoors wildlife is bound to drop dead in your presence...
  16. Andrew_S

    Long Distance '85 Ranger Build

    Friggin love the look of this truck. Can't wait to see more updates.
  17. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    spent our final night on Klein lake Lucked out on the way home. One of the last cars to get on the Ferry! Full load... and a rough idea of our route. The truck and camper did great. Need to do a couple of small maintenance things to both before the next outing.
  18. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    The next morning the weather broke and it was time to move on. We bypassed this little lake but it was very tempting to drop the canoe. Short hike down to Lois River and it was absolutely ripping. We then proceeded to the most northern point you could drive on this route. This section of...
  19. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    Of our 7 day trip the forecast was calling for 4 days of rain. The 4th day it rained in the morning, we decided to enjoy the site and area for another night. I managed to get a load of firewood from a nearby peninsula We then went for a 4 hour paddle when the weather broke. Paddled right by...
  20. Andrew_S

    1986 GMC S-15

    We spent the second night at Homecite Creek rec site, friggin beautiful spot. They opened the rec site for just the long weekend and somehow miraculously we had the place entirely to ourselves again. Pictures don't even come close to doing these old cedars justice One of the Karst...