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  1. S

    09 Tacoma Budget Build Options (For Mild Expo trips)

    Maybe just me, but, I didn't really think you needed new wheels for a BUDGET expo build . . . my $0.02.
  2. S

    Question 4 Expedition Taco Experts

    Thanks all. I am not saying it wouldn't have room around it I just want to put the bed over it. There would be room on the sides so air could get to the back of the fridge where the compressor fan is located. If I went with an ARB 67 qt at 17" high . . . maybe it is possible. How high are the...
  3. S

    Question 4 Expedition Taco Experts

    So, I am wanting to build a sleeping platform in the back of a 2nd gen AC LB Tacoma. I wondered if it would be possible/comfortable to get a A.R.E. MX style shell (Raised Roof) and then build a sleeping platform high enough to fit an Engel or A.R.B. fridge underneath it? Would I have enough...