Search results

  1. Wes Craiglow

    Ozark Natty Forest, 12.31.09

    Ozark Natty Forest, 12.31.09 (cont.) Found what we think is an old schoolhouse buried deep in a hollow in the headwaters area of the Middle Fork. Where there's water, there's inevitably mud. IH8MUD. Final crossing of the day. Back up on the high road nearing sunset. Great way...
  2. Wes Craiglow

    Ozark Natty Forest, 12.31.09

    So my better half and I took off to play on the last day of the year. The trip also served as a sort of a 'route recon' for a ExPo Central Region members' trip I'm thinking of putting together for this spring. Well, the day served both purposes beautifully: fun and a little bit adventurous...
  3. Wes Craiglow

    Re-tread tires

    Interested for follow-up. Subscribed. :coffee:
  4. Wes Craiglow

    Old man emu suspensions?

    I have Dakar HD under my Taco and LOVE them. I complement them with Bilstein 5125s and 1.5" (3/4" lift) All-Pro greaseable shackles. I don't race or jump or flex hardcore, though; I carry a lot of weight overlanding. They are great for this. (If I wanted to go any heavier for, say, on-board...
  5. Wes Craiglow

    Roof Rack with retractable lights and kayak rack

    Nice... You've given me some ideas for my future lightbar. I have to be able to drop it so I can get my canoe up there. Oh, and an Isuzu Rodeo? haha! Wow! It's always good to see folks who aren't afraid to go outside the box. Well done!
  6. Wes Craiglow

    U.P. Overland 2009

    I searched the thread, as well as the UPEXPO forum, so forgive me if I overlooked this... Does anyone have the .kml or .gpx files from this trip? Also, can someone from this area tell me what the roads/trails of UP will look like the first week of May? Will things be thawed by then...
  7. Wes Craiglow

    Applejack's 3rd Gen 4runner Build

    x3 Except I am certain mine was wrecked. Carfax stated nothing about it. Everything seems fine over time, though... whew! I wonder: if no police/insurance company is notified of an accident, then can't a person just take the truck to a non-factory/dealer body shop for repair (or do it...
  8. Wes Craiglow

    Applejack's 3rd Gen 4runner Build

    Used to roll these on my Jeep and I LOVED 'em! They wear a little quicker than some and you have to be more gentle on your sidewalls, but they're far-and-away the smoothest M/T I've ever owned. So nice on the road on a DD; worth the trade-off to me. (I just wish they made 'em in the...
  9. Wes Craiglow

    Fridge fitting dilemma in tacoma

    Depends on the weather. If it's nice out, then everything stays open. If it's cold and/or very windy, then I'll usually pull down all the hatches and just bundle up in my appropriately-rated bag. As evidenced by my platform/fridge configuration, the tailgate must stay down, though. I will...
  10. Wes Craiglow

    Applejack's 3rd Gen 4runner Build

    Congrats, partner. And I agree with Wonderland, wholeheartedly: it's better when it's yours. Can't wait to see how you build her and where she takes you... Subscribed. :coffee:
  11. Wes Craiglow

    Fridge fitting dilemma in tacoma

    Mine's on a slider. Its rides tucked up "inside" the sleep platform while I'm rolling, then when I get to a place for the night, I slide it out. Once the fridge is in the out position, I have a panel which fills in the gap, that way I end up with full sleeping room for two. (During...
  12. Wes Craiglow

    Cheap Fridge <$400 shipped

    I couldn't agree more, and I'm very happy to hear that everything turned out well for you, roadkill! Your story was concerning to all us owners, I'm sure... I failed to speak of it before in my review, but when the factory 12v plug broke, I contacted them via email to inquire about what to do...
  13. Wes Craiglow

    6string's '01 Taco Build

    Interesting. I'd love to know more! I've never used Thule products and don't have any friends who do... Have you reviewed these on your build page? Do they offer a more stable platform to mount the tower/crossbars? Thx for any info.
  14. Wes Craiglow

    6string's '01 Taco Build

    Thanks for the kind words, partner. I wish you well over there, too. Iraq has really turned a corner; they have tools they need to succeed now, and the place is much safer than it used to be. Head down, chin up, eyes wide. Thanks! I've really enjoyed your build, too. I don't think I've...
  15. Wes Craiglow

    6string's '01 Taco Build

    It was while deployed I found ExPo. I spent many hours of downtime trolling the pages, studying trucks. YOUR trucks! Some pretty amazing rigs out there, and I tried to draw inspiration from each... So I started pretty tame by upgrading the bike/canoe rack to a MegaWarrior. I mounted my...
  16. Wes Craiglow

    6string's '01 Taco Build

    ---Break in the Build--- Just as I was ready to pull the trigger and start building my truck, I got orders to hit the sandbox... pfft, timing! At least I get to spend all that tax-free money on my truck once I get back home! :victory: (FYI: I was a route clearance platoon leader who lead...
  17. Wes Craiglow

    6string's '01 Taco Build

    So throughout 2007 I didn't make many changes, just drove it and loved it. Plenty of trips to the Ozarks/Ouachitas, the mountain west, and Army bases near and far. CO/NM Border North Arkansas Come to think of it, I did add a Yakima Viper and Steelhead to the crossbars to carry our...
  18. Wes Craiglow

    6string's '01 Taco Build

    Thanks, Nathanael. I have long watched your build, and admire many of the choices you've made... as well as the number of miles you get to log annually! (Maybe I need to get into landscape photography!?) 'Preciate it! You know that your truck has me seriously thinking about picking up a set...