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  1. N

    MB Truck Exhaust Route

    as far as I know merc trucks today are only offered with two options, a short dump pipe out of the silencer, or a connection (offered in a few places) on the silencer for fitting an exhaust of your choosing.
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    Not So Subtle E350 Shuttle - 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

    Wow! that looks like it would be a scary experience to ride out. Sorry I can't be of any help but I hope that you manage to get it resolved
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    MAN FAE 9.136 Camper Truck

    500 km/day in an old truck is as much a test for you as the vehicle!
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    Mercedes truck overdrive gearbox options.

    I had a quick look online and the bellhousing pattern on the OM906 and OM441 seems the same. You might be able to bolt up the G85-6 if it's available to you. The hydraulic gear shift on that gearbox makes placement of the shifter flexible, but bleeding after you've removed hoses is a huge PITA.
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    Mercedes truck overdrive gearbox options.

    As far as I know, Mercedes only offer a single gear set in each gearbox, ie. I do not think it is possible to swap gears out in your box using factory parts. You'd have to change the whole box. Do you know what the 6th gear ratio is? The overdrive in the G85-6 on the newer axor trucks is 0.73...
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    Unknown dashboard light Mb 917

    Obvious really
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    Pulling over onto the shoulder - one thing we hate doing.

    It's a mistake can easily imagine making myself. From the photos there is nothing to indicate how soft the verge must have been.
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    MB 1120 Coming to America! Purchase, Build and Now Travel!

    I shipped through Brunswick a few years ago and it was fine, the ship docked on Christmas eve but once the port had reopened I was out in a few hours.
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    Cool new stuff coming!

    Unfortunately that's not how it works! the amp rating of the plug and socket remains at 16a regardless of the voltage. You will be able to pull half the power if you use them at 110v. You will be very likely to melt something if you use these at 30a. For that application there is a 32a ceeform...
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    Cool new stuff coming!

    It's worth mentioning that the blue plugs are globally used for 220/240v, it would be unwise in an overland rig to install these on a 110v system as it would be too easy for an owner or future owner to travel outside of the Americas and damage their electrical system by plugging into the wrong...
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    Install Cam instead of window?

    maybe you could get a drone so that you don't have to go outside either?
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    Xpedition Camper out of Minnesota

    Seems well though out! Looking forward to seeing your progress
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    Xpedition Camper out of Minnesota

    Looks great, nice work. Experience from building my own camper is that I would make sure to vent the electrical cabinet externally. The inverter and battery charger both generate a lot of heat, and they noticeably increase the temperature inside the truck when working hard. Not a problem in mild...
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    Lowly the Lorry. . .

    Good to hear you sorted it out so quickly. The DPF must be a retrofit as no trucks of Lowly's age were fitted with them from new in the UK. Does the DPF have a manufacturer name on it? Eminox? PURItech?
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    Lowly the Lorry. . .

    My Mercedes truck gets 7.5 - 9.9 mpg (US gallons) 2wd, 13 tonnes, 230hp, 90kph limiter. I averaged 8.3 mpg over about 17,000 miles in the US and Mexico. I would say that Joe's mileage is unusually good, and Sheik's is at the lower end of what might be expected.
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    Lowly the Lorry. . .

    Congratulations! seems like everything is working as it's supposed to. Looking forward to hearing of you driving it for the first time.
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    It works 100%, and accesses everything, although you cannot change the speed limiter without an additional code. The laptop battery was basically dead on the laptop that came with my kit, but otherwise I am completely happy. It's pretty straightforward to use. When I had a boost leak, the...
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    Heavy truck 4x4 conversion shops

    Marmon Herrington have a good reputation, but equally inconvenient.
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    4x4 Roadtrek Tundra - Mercedes Sprinter Van

    Looks like an Arctic trucks conversion to me
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    I bought a star system off ebay a while back and it work fine on my 03 atego with the big round port. It was around £700 if I remember right and includes a second hand laptop with Xentry diagnostic software, WIS and EPC installed, the multiplexer interface and a host of cables for Mercs of...