Search results

  1. N

    Mercedes 914 LK LN2

    I'm sure I'm not the only person on this website that spends a lot of time enjoying reading about others' exploits but not regularly commenting! It must be a lot of extra work manufacturing all of the profiles for the hatches from scratch out of wood. Did you consider buying in aluminium...
  2. N

    GXV Patagonia on Volvo chassis

    I'm not sure if the Volvo USA truck use the I-shift that is available in the Euro trucks, but it's a great gearbox and drivers seem to love them. They can be loaded with different software depending on the use, and can be shifted to operate in manual mode whenever needed. One of the software...
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    Mercedes 914 LK LN2

    Too cold to work? I hope the workshop is heated
  4. N

    TerraLiner:12 m Globally Mobile Beach House/Class-A Crossover w 6x6 Hybrid Drivetrain

    The glass in Jim's cab is bullet resistant. I didn't enquire on the level of protection as it was never of much relevance to me, but it seems to be around 15mm thick, although it is hard to tell. The glass is curved and seems to be identical in shape to the original windscreen as I cannot see...
  5. N

    Best coating for exposed plywood? Bed Liner? Full sun/heat exposure in a hot climate

    Can you not get buffalo board type panels in the US? Usually it's birch plywood with a textured phenolic film on one site and smooth on the other. Seal the edges and it's last for ever. It's used as flooring on trucks and trailers in the UK but it might have a different name in the US. I used...
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    Looking for info on Mercedes TN/T1N Transporter

    I used to own a 310d of the old boxy type. I'm almost certain those vans were never manufactured in 4x4. They are tough and reliable, but even the 100hp model is not fast by todays standards. 60mph is comfortable, 70mph is possible. We used to load ours at least a tonne over the maximum weight...
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    TerraLiner:12 m Globally Mobile Beach House/Class-A Crossover w 6x6 Hybrid Drivetrain

    The energy required is the same whether it comes from the grid or from an onboard generator The US electrical grid mix in 2014 was: Coal = 39% Natural gas = 27% Nuclear = 19% Hydropower = 6% Other renewables = 7% Petroleum = 1% Other gases < 1% Coal and natural gas power plants are probably...
  8. N

    tie road / track rod wear

    Hi mr.510, thanks for your help. The front tyres have always been pretty well balanced (spun off the truck in a massive, modern commercial tyre shop in London), but I did have a slight vibration at 50mph which wasn't cured until an old school tyre shop in Oaxaca spun the tire whilst it was...
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    TerraLiner:12 m Globally Mobile Beach House/Class-A Crossover w 6x6 Hybrid Drivetrain

    I also find that strange. Deep carpet, psychedelic granite, and dark cherry woodwork is a look which hasn't been popular in the UK for a long time. I think the high-end Dubai/Doha hotel look is the modern equivalent, and is probably the style that I think best matches Biotect's target market...
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    Fibreglassing experts, I have a question for you about repairs to my truck siding

    Thanks for your detailed response! I should have been clearer that I plan to use epoxy throughout. I have plenty of west systems on the shelf and I find it easy to work with. I plan to bond the plywood to the steel frame where it touches with Sikaflex 221. I have a load of tubes on the shelf...
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    Fibreglassing experts, I have a question for you about repairs to my truck siding

    Hi all, I don’t know if there are any fibreglassing experts on here but I have a question which I was hoping someone could answer. The body on my truck is made with a steel frame, onto which plywood siding is glued, and the edges and corners protected with aluminium capping. The siding is made...
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    Skylight help please Norway or Germany

    Albert Jagger do a hatch with very similar dimensions. Check out part no. H593A492 on page 7:
  13. N

    Skylight help please Norway or Germany

    Could you not just enlarge the hole, or restrict the hole with a blanking panel to reduce the size to fit a more common hatch? I used a 3mm stainless plate to reduce the size of the aperture on my truck to fit a couple of Lewmar Ocean hatches.
  14. N

    tie road / track rod wear

    6.1t at the front. 7.0t at the back.
  15. N

    tie road / track rod wear

    yes the tie rod was changed at MB main dealer. Your right though about getting axle weights on the scales though. The local weighbridge is at a waste transfer station and it's always too busy to do single axle weights. I'll ask at the testing station if they can do it.
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    tie road / track rod wear

    Hi all, In preparation for Jim's annual test I took him to get a full check-over this week. The recommended repairs were generally expected but one which surprised me was excessive tie rod wear. The steering is not as precise as it has been, but I was surprised that the play was bad enough to...
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    Unimogadventures - Our build and travel thread

    So pleased for you Iain. The quality of life you can have whilst travelling in a motorhome not dependant on grid connections is amazing. Your hard work has set you up for a lifetime of happiness, now you just need to work out how to turn sikaflex and metalwork into happy memories. I had all...
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    Resetting ECU after changing the oil?

    The dealer mechs probably do it using their laptop through the diagnostic port.
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    Mercedes VARIO 614D 4X4 in RUSSIA

    sorry, i hadn't realised it was just the chassis for sale. £1000 per axle is a crazy price.
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    Mercedes VARIO 614D 4X4 in RUSSIA

    Is the unimog 406 suitable: The 406's GVW was around 6 tonnes which might be enough. The final drive ratio seems to be 6.5:1 based on the websitye below so...