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  1. JCMatthews

    2004 Northstar TC650EC

    Would love to see pics.
  2. JCMatthews

    M416 spring shackle assembly? About half way down the page you will find what you are looking for. The shackles and springs were the same used on the front of a Willy's Jeep. I can't remember, but one side has reverse threads.
  3. JCMatthews

    Colossal 2015 - B.C. Canada

    Nice, very nice.
  4. JCMatthews

    M416 handling question

    I have an M416, and have towed it clear to Alaska at many different speeds. In all my many years and trips, I have only experience what you described once. That was when I did not have enough tongue weight. I now Cary 15 to 20 gallons of water up front to ensure enough tongue weight. As long...
  5. JCMatthews

    TundraBirds Go! Picture Thread for Tundras and T-100s

    Blender, when you decide to get a Benc bumper, let me know and we'll make a deal on that ARB. Trucks looking good by the way.
  6. JCMatthews

    Possible front bumper option for the tundra.

    In the side bar, they list 4x4, 4x2, and trim level. Here is information on Tundra solutions, saying the same thing as Wikipedia, however it looks to be directly from Toyota. It again lists dimensions by transfer case and trim levels. I hope that this helps...
  7. JCMatthews

    Possible front bumper option for the tundra.

    According to Wikipedia the double cab is 4" wider and 3" taller than the access cab. It's not just fender flares.
  8. JCMatthews

    The Tundra Supertool

    When coming up to an intersection, just before I stop completely my ABS pump comes on the brakes pull slightly to the left as the brake pedal gets soft and pulsates. This is happening more than half of the time I come to a stop.
  9. JCMatthews

    4x4 Toyota Truck // Chinook Pop-Top Conversion Build

    Really cool project. Looking really good so far.
  10. JCMatthews

    The Tundra Supertool

    Thanks for getting my build. If I could just get the ABS situation under control I'd be extremely happy.
  11. JCMatthews

    The Tundra Supertool

    Don't apologize, I appreciate the concern and attempt to help.
  12. JCMatthews

    The Tundra Supertool

    One other thing I did to my truck before our Alaska trip was a vinyl hood center black-out. My neighbor has a sign company and made it for me. It is not perfect, but probably 90%. Sorry about the photo, I used my Ipad to speed up the process.
  13. JCMatthews

    The Tundra Supertool

    My owners manual shows two different fuse boxes one for the access cab and one for the double cab. I wish it was as easy as yours. It shows that fuses 61 and 66 control my ABS. When I opened the fuse box to remove one of the fuses low and behold there were no fuses in the end of my fuse box...
  14. JCMatthews

    The Tundra Supertool

    According to the owner's manual, there are two fuses in the fuse box that control the ABS, however that is not the case when opened. My mechanic did a search for me to discover that several different functions shared the larger fused link. I will try my Google **** the see if there is a relay.
  15. JCMatthews

    The Tundra Supertool

    On the ABS topic, I tried unplugging the rear ABS harness, and that did not work, because the sensors are also speed sensors. I also unplugged it where both rear sensors come together. I had no ABS, but also no speedometer or odometer. I had to plug it back in. Maybe I can disconnect just...
  16. JCMatthews

    The Tundra Supertool

    No! They have tried everything. When they called Toyota to get help,Toyota was aware of this issue, but does not admit fault. I was going to pull the fuse, but it is all part of a fusable link, that controls the HVAC. I need to get underneath and disconnect a sensor to cause the system to...
  17. JCMatthews

    The Tundra Supertool

    It's been over a year since I added anything to this thread. Nothing had changed with the Tundra until the end of May first of June 2015. We spent 31 days on the road this summer traveling to and from Alaska. I will get a thread up about that trip I hope. To have enough room for everyone to...