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  1. D

    Ursa Minor Pop-Top Jeep JK

    So, I placed my order online back at the end of May (5/26/21). For months it's sat "Pending" in the portal. Today I noticed that the status has changed to "Production Backlog" meaning it's likely in the pipeline at the molding shop at this point. According to the guys at the SD shop, there was a...
  2. D

    Ursa Minor Pop-Top Jeep JK

    That makes more sense. Thanks for clearing it up.
  3. D

    Ursa Minor Pop-Top Jeep JK

    What do you mean BRO isn't taking customer orders? Are they going out of business or something?
  4. D

    Ursa Minor Pop-Top Jeep JK

    On one of my visits to their San Diego facility, I had a look with Kris at my overhead MOLLE system and he mentioned that "most of them" have interfere issues in some way but it looked like mine wouldn't have any...
  5. D

    Ursa Minor Pop-Top Jeep JK

    Happy to help. Hope the solution works. I should be getting my top sometime in February / March from others posting time tables. ?????
  6. D

    Ursa Minor Pop-Top Jeep JK

    I can also swing by UM in San Diego in the next day or so and confirm the JL and JK brackets are the same if you'd like. Just PM me on here. Happy to help.
  7. D

    Ursa Minor Pop-Top Jeep JK

    ?. Yeah, I don't feel comfortable going into what I've seen. The guys there swore me to secrecy. ? Based on your order date and your update, mine is likely going to be sometime in March. Depending on the day you get for your install (and assuming you're coming to the Chula Vista location) ping...
  8. D

    Ursa Minor Pop-Top Jeep JK

    Well, now that the cat is kinda out of the bag....I've been sitting on this info for about 5 months. Got to see a prototype of the new "Gen 3" JKU too on one of my visits to their shop. They definitely have made some nice (minor) improvements.
  9. D

    Ursa Minor Pop-Top Jeep JK

    Im not sure that will work. I don't think the foam inside the UM pads is as compressible as a memory foam topper.civmean maybe but memory foam will compress down to almost nothing. I'm definitely sticking with memory foam. I'll hire a local seamstress to cobble something together once I get...
  10. D

    Ursa Minor Pop-Top Jeep JK

    Nice work putting the videos together, John. Well done and a double thank you for showing the mattress topper sleeve idea. I'll be making the same mod to mine almost immediately.
  11. D

    Ursa Minor Pop-Top Jeep JK

    Not at all! Happy to help and it gave me an excuse to go see some of the cool stuff they are working on. Also, I think the frost king stuff is likely going to be a better option. Likely more durable if you can find some that is the correct size. Good luck and report back! Best Dan
  12. D

    Ursa Minor Pop-Top Jeep JK

  13. D

    Ursa Minor Pop-Top Jeep JK

    Hey Presto, Sorry this is a late reply. I finally made it over there today. Zack gave me a handful of the stuff to send you but said it's pretty standard stick on foam you should be able to find in any hardware shop. Here's the dimensions of the stuff and some photos: Let me know if you...
  14. D

    ARB Fridge for truck bed

    And then there's this guy... ????
  15. D

    Ursa Minor Pop-Top Jeep JK

    No worries at all! I'm likely heading over there next week to have a tire repaired at a local shop near them. I'll stop by and ask Kris. ?????
  16. D

    Ursa Minor Pop-Top Jeep JK

    So where is everyone taking their Ursa Minors this weekend? Pics for extra credit!
  17. D

    Ursa Minor Pop-Top Jeep JK

    If there's no answer posted over the next week for you, I'll swing over to their Chula Vista site and ask Kris. (It's 10 mins from my condo). Cheers. Dan
  18. D

    Ursa Minor Pop-Top Jeep JK

    Thanks guys!
  19. D

    Ursa Minor Pop-Top Jeep JK

    Nice! What process did you use to sell your top so fast and what'd you end up getting for it? Local sale? Just curious.
  20. D

    Ursa Minor Pop-Top Jeep JK

    Cool. Thanks for the sanity check. ?????