Search results

  1. Tiktaalik

    Can you run Garmin Maps on a laptop or iOS device without owning a Garmin GPS?

    I already bought HEMA Explorer and I have the MotionX and Earthmate (with my DeLorme Explorer) app as well. I don't have an iPad so for route planning it seems to make more sense to me to do that on Garmin BaseCamp (on a laptop) and then export the file to any of the apps I just mentioned. HEMA...
  2. Tiktaalik

    Can you run Garmin Maps on a laptop or iOS device without owning a Garmin GPS?

    I"m downloading the North America OpenStreetMap extract right now. 8GB.
  3. Tiktaalik

    Overland Navigation - Overview and Tutorial

    One last question. When the KMZ file is brought into Garmin Basecamp it needs to be adjusted and it has way too many edit points. Is this normal? If I spend time fixing this whats to say it doesn't get messed up again when I export it as a GPX file?
  4. Tiktaalik

    Overland Navigation - Overview and Tutorial

    Thanks for the tip! I am in the process of planning a trip to Baja and I am very much in the process of trying to figure out which route planning process works best for me. Any suggestions are appreciated. I have laid out the overall route using My-Maps and I have exported it to a KMZ file...
  5. Tiktaalik

    Rigid LED SR Light bars for sale - 20" & 50"

    The 20" LED bar has sold. The 50" LED bar is still available.
  6. Tiktaalik

    Viair Medium Duty Onboard Air Compressor NEW

    I forgot to mention that the I have a 5-in-1 Heavy Duty Hose Kit/deflator with coiled hose ($45 value) which will also be included.
  7. Tiktaalik

    Viair Medium Duty Onboard Air Compressor NEW

    Never got around to installing this and I've decided to go a different route. $250 + shipping Free pick up in Portland, OR
  8. Tiktaalik

    Creative solutions for water tank spout

    Here's another option:
  9. Tiktaalik

    Rigid LED SR Light bars for sale - 20" & 50"

    Sorry about the radio silence. I'm back and the LED bars are still available.
  10. Tiktaalik

    Can you run Garmin Maps on a laptop or iOS device without owning a Garmin GPS?

    Thanks. I think I'll wait and see how the Garmin/Delorme integration goes. The last thing I need right now is another expensive device with a required monthly subscription.
  11. Tiktaalik

    Can you run Garmin Maps on a laptop or iOS device without owning a Garmin GPS?

    Detailed topos and imagery for what region? I have Topo North America and Public lands already installed. There's not a whole lot of other maps/regions/countries available. Here's response I got from the Garmin's (Delorme's) product support specialist: "Unfortunately, for the Earthmate App...
  12. Tiktaalik

    Can you run Garmin Maps on a laptop or iOS device without owning a Garmin GPS?

    I downloaded Basecamp but its not very useful unless I purchase a Garmin GPS. I'm going to check and see if Delorme has any good Baja maps. I also have HemaExplorer (North America) and MotionX installed on my phone but I don't think they offer detailed Baja maps. My friend has spent a lot of...
  13. Tiktaalik

    Can you run Garmin Maps on a laptop or iOS device without owning a Garmin GPS?

    Where do you download the Delorme Maps? I have downloaded some maps in the Earthmate app but the selection is extremely limited and I don't see Mexico available. My friend suggested the E32 map because it is the most detailed for backroad/offroad dirt and sand tracks. No other map even comes...
  14. Tiktaalik

    Creative solutions for water tank spout

    Yeah, the more I overthink this the more I gravitate towards a simple solution.
  15. Tiktaalik

    Can you run Garmin Maps on a laptop or iOS device without owning a Garmin GPS?

    Is there anyway to run MAP E32 (Mexico) on a laptop or iOS device without a Garmin GPS? I already own a Delorme Inreach Explorer and I would prefer to fun any maps on the bigger/better screen of my iPhone+ or on my Macbook Pro if necessary. Now that Garmin bought Inreach one could only hope...
  16. Tiktaalik

    Fjällräven Lined Shirt No. 1 for sale

    Bump. Still for sale. Now on Fleabay. Retails for $300.
  17. Tiktaalik

    Creative solutions for water tank spout

    I actually have a Zodi Shower as well.