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  1. B

    New and Improved Camper Box Build - Ver 2.0

    What he said! Go have (another) beer. We all do these things, think we have though of everything but..... Nice fix, deep breath (be thankful it didn't cost $$$), and carry on.
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    Unimogadventures - Our build and travel thread

    Hey Iain, Been watching your build and things are certainly starting to take shape. You must be well pleased to be at this stage now. The composting toilet looks good. Will be interesting to see how you like it. I see JRhetts has just reported back in on his one. I think he liked his! Keep up...
  3. B

    POD: Custom camper - design stage

    So lots to sort and plan huh. You've seen this lift system - ? Don't know anything about their quality, how the price compares to other options, but it certainly is a pretty clean sort of a deal. As far as wiring in the raised roof section, there is general lighting...
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    Allochris's ultimate buildup thread!!!

    As always just really jealous! Great photos as usual. Was talking to my buddy in Invermere just last week (he's a Paramedic there). Looks like you've been having some nice days. Can't believe you (and the truck) came away from that Prince George crash with hardly a scratch! Obviously don't need...
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    POD: Custom camper - design stage

    Hey Pods8, So maybe no definative answers, but like you say, all part of the learning process. Two things convinced me I could learn to do this (method). One was to get a decent insulation value (without massive thermal bridges etc). The second thing was damage repairability. Can you imagine a...
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    POD: Custom camper - design stage

    Steel exoskel would be interesting. Could go much thinner (than alloy) with less fatigue issues, and I guess you could spray galv it when done. With your population base the products you can buy (compared to a couple small islands in the South Pacific) is quite eye watering at times. I priced...
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    POD: Custom camper - design stage

    Ok, I can see you have already sorted alot of these issues. As I said I don't have fiberglass experience, and just wondered how it would come together. Obviously with no real problems. I completely understand losing the ability to do it "at home", and can see again you are well advanced with...
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    POD: Custom camper - design stage

    Hi Pods8, Have been watching this thread, and the build over at HUF. Was reading about all the decision making involved regarding attaching things to the walls, door hardware, attaching jacks, and getting the seals sorted for the pop top part. I really like the look of the test pieces you...
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    Brake pads

    What he said. Well when it's going I will.
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    out with the old in with the new

    Knew I'd seen something around like what you describe - The 'drop down fridge slide'. I figure you could easily convert this to a 'drop down bbq slide'! Another link here - Fantastic camper...
  11. B

    Differential breather routing?

    Don't think any one has mentioned these yet. I was going to run breathers up the fire wall etc, but figured these were far simpler. Have them on the diff's, TC, and transmission. Easy to plumb up, no chance of water getting in etc. Oh, on the diffs I ran a short tube up to the chassis then...
  12. B

    To the Arctic Ocean via the Dalton Road

    Thanks for posting up your pictures. Almost like another galaxy when you live as far south as me! Shame about the Cassier being closed. Maybe next time huh? If you make it to NZ give me a shout!
  13. B

    Allochris's ultimate buildup thread!!!

    Hey Chris, Been watching your build over the last couple of years and have been really enjoying the photos of your build, and travels you've been posting. You have finally prompted me to join up here. I have really admired the way you (and your partner) have 'got it done'! You have built a...