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  1. yellocoyote

    Star Trails - Night on the move

    Even with the moon contamination, that's still a very cool shot! I like!
  2. yellocoyote

    Alaska: Winter Wonderland

    As have I. Gorgeous photos! Thank you for sharing.
  3. yellocoyote

    So your Jeep has IFS...aside from all the banter, have

    As stated, it's all about what you want to do with it. Then build accordingly.
  4. yellocoyote

    Your Jeeps Name

    Mine is 'Eugene'... Just like Eugene the Jeep from the old Popeye cartoons. The longer name used to be 'Two-Times Eugene'... only because whenever any kind of maintenance needed to be done, it always took 2 attempts for one reason or another. Broken hardware, forgotten supplies, etc.
  5. yellocoyote

    Random dog shots

    Love this look. We have a Sibe too (same colors too), and I know I'd get the same look out of him. :)
  6. yellocoyote

    Do Jeeps have feelings?

    :xxrotflma Mine has the husband's Astro vans to converse with... although I don't think they like Eugene (my Jeep) much - he is the youngest (and lowest mileage) of the group, and therefore gets the most attention.
  7. yellocoyote

    Do Jeeps have feelings?

    Mine seems to...
  8. yellocoyote

    A little slice of WY.......

    Great trip report and pictures. How long did you take to do this trip?
  9. yellocoyote

    Random Scenic Shots

    Flaming Gorge Recreational Area - Utah Central Colorado
  10. yellocoyote

    I shall call him... "Mini Me" (2005 Jeep Liberty KJ)

    Yeah, this is me. :) She's going to love the KJ (sounds like she already does). It's fun to drive, and relatively easy to work on - I've learned a lot in the 4+ years I've had mine. I wouldn't trade it for anything right now.
  11. yellocoyote

    Birds Of Prey

    Love the roadrunner shots! :)
  12. yellocoyote

    Birds Of Prey

    Caught this guy last week...
  13. yellocoyote

    Random shots

  14. yellocoyote


    Outstanding colors! :Wow1:
  15. yellocoyote

    Long road to nowhere.

    I have a few...
  16. yellocoyote


    ^^^ That last one is beautiful! :Wow1: