I've got a couple of classes lined up to attend this spring - I'm really looking forward to these. I'm hoping I can get some new inspiration and insight that I've been missing.
I also plan to dig into some post-processing techniques. I severely lack in that department.
Oh, and I started my...
The KJ has about 4" of lift and tires are 245/75's.
We'd been out that way once before, back in 2004... for me, that area is one of those places that I don't get tired of.
The Aftermath:
Thank goodness for Labor Day Monday! I don't think either of us could have functioned at work without a one-day breather.
We unpacked the jeep, and started to get things cleaned up and put away. The driveshaft was removed from the roof basket, and Aaron put it in the van to...
Day 8 and 9:
We had an unscheduled 7:30am wake-up call by the freindly neighborhood cattle in the pastures adjacent to our campsite... so we were up earlier on this morning. It ended up being a good thing as we had a lot we wanted to accomplish. This was the last official day to explore before...
Day 7:
Once on the road, we continued southward, driving throug various Indian reservation lands.
Mission Mountain Range
Aaron found more backroads and other dirt roads... of which we finally spotted our first bear of the week! Black bear, I believe. It was running away from us, so we did...
Day 6:
The night was much warmer with the improved bags (although we both agree that they were nothing near 15-degree sleeping bags - maybe 35 or 40 degrees, at best), but without the air mattress that we were accustomed to, a little more uncomfortable. I was willing to trade the comfort for...
Day 5:
On today's agenda was to visit the small town of Polebridge and get to the camp at Kintla Lake. The road to Polebridge is pretty narrow in places, and travels through some pretty country just within the western border of Glacier National Park.
On the road to Polebridge, the rear CV...
Day 4:
This night was interrupted by the cold, cold weather. I'd guess it to be somewhere around 30-degrees. Before we left, I'd checked the weather on 2 seperate websites for multiple areas and altitudes in and around the places that I thought we eould be staying. Daytime highs were to be in...
Day 3:
We woke up the next morning, got showers (YES! The campground had hot showers!), and were prepping to leave. These were definitely an inquisitive pair...
We got onto a Montana state highway... they certainly don't look like this at home...
We ran across a route that took us by Tiber...
Day 2:
We were woken up the next morning by the excessive wind and rain outside. The wind had already unearthed the tent stakes securing the front vestibule part of our tent. The upside is that we were still dry - the tent was doing it's job. As the rain lightened up, we methodically packed...
Day 0-1:
We left home on Friday night after work - about 4pm - and collectively drove into late Saturday morning. Got into the neighborhood of the Little Missouri National Grasslands/Roosevelt National park near the western border of North Dakota before we got off the interstate to do any real...
Nemo - 5 years old - Siberian Husky mix. We adopted Nemo at 3 years old from a shelter. It took about a year to learn his habits... and since then, he's been so much fun and a great addition to the family. So glad to have him. :)
We have a husky now - he was 3 (he's 5 now) when we adopted him from the shelter. He's very, very smart (almost too much), and has escaped a number of times from a number of different scenarios - he knows how to free himself from clips that you find on a leash or a backyard line, so we had to...
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