I have a Sienna, and I love it. I don't really see the point of lifting one and putting bigger tires on it however. A stock Sequoia and probably even a Highlander is going to be more capable off road. The things that a Sienna is better at such as gas mileage, handling, and low entry point are...
I work for an international NGO that has bought from these guys, and I am pretty sure they don't sell to any organization. They have a deal with Toyota to sell only NGOs and the UN at a fairly discounted price.
If everyone had the same response you do, I would definitely call out or ring my bell every time. The worst are people with headphones on, and no amount of ringing or talking is going to make them aware of your presence. When they are not in the way, it isn't a big deal, but when they are it...
I ride an ebike daily for commuting to work and most of the ride is on a rail trail. I do try to go out of my way to be respectful and safe while riding. My experience over the 2.5 years that I have had my ebike is that silently whizzing by people tends to be safer than announcing myself...
I used to think this way until I got burned enough times buying used Nissans, Fords, and Jeeps. When buying a used vehicle, it is really hard to not find the brands/models with low resale value attractive and think it is a better deal. I almost always end up paying more in the long run. Now...
Hey Dan, I am enjoying your trip videos and glad you are able to be getting out and visiting some interesting places.
I recently saw Scott Brady do a review of this new tent. https://c6outdoor.com/. I was wondering how it compares to your swag bag tent (I realize you haven't had the poles...
I haven't seen any discussion on this tent yet. https://c6outdoor.com/ I saw Scott Brady did a review on the Overland Journal YouTube channel. It seems like a great option to give the benefits of a RTT without the downsides. If I wasn't needing a tent for a family of four, I would be all over...
I don't have either of these but have read positive things about both of them as affordable handmade boots. Jim Greens are made in South Africa https://jimgreenfootwear.com/. Thursday boots are made in Mexico for the most part but I believe they do have some made in the US...
I got rid of my families second car and bought an e-bike to commute to and from the office. I live in Pennsylvania and even though we don't get a ton of snow riding in winter is interesting. You are correct that pedaling helps keep you warm on the cold days. I normally set it to a lower...
I forgot that on the later Avalanches that they had the same front end as the Suburban. I was thinking that your new rig would be interesting with the old Avalanche front end, but swapping them is probably not near as straight forward as your old Suburban was. Between the two pictures of your...
I ordered this Caddis Rapid 6 tent recently. I haven't gotten a chance to actually camp in it, but I did set it up in the back yard. Just getting the tent itself set up was super easy and quick. The rainfly took some time to figure out but I am sure that will be faster after I do it a few...
Jscherb, thank you for starting this thread and sharing the information about Mahindra and India in general. It has become one of the threads I look forward to seeing updates on the most. I have not been to India, but I have traveled in Bangladesh and Nepal. Bangladesh seemed to have good mix...
I think yours would be awesome with the cab and doors removed. Given your location and climate, I would think keeping the cab would be more comfortable though. How would you weather proof the seats, dash, ect. if you remove the cab?
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