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  1. PPCLI_Jim

    PPCLI_JIM's Other Isuzu thread

    Well as its winter a few of my friends have decided that they need firewood . well yesterday I get a call ... Can you please come rescue me?... so I saddle up and drive out .. well its a 1 ton diesel ford that doesnt want to play fuel pump dead batteries etc etc . fack.. oh yea fresh snow about...
  2. PPCLI_Jim

    For those that carry Guns and Overlanding

    Up here in Canadaland getting a CCW is as difficult as getting Hilary elected. So what i did is get one of these a Keltec Sub 2000 in 9mm (also available in 40 S&W) uses a Glock mag able to hold 10 rounds in the mag, and weighs 4.5 lbs. It folds to just over 18 inches and is considered a long...
  3. PPCLI_Jim

    PPCLI_JIM's Other Isuzu thread

    SOOOO anywway I decided i needed to re-aim my whooopie lights as i call em, so I went to pull my bumper off so I could put the lights on a plate so they could rotate more allowing a higher aim point. While doing this My trusty battery powered impact wrench decided to strip the welded nuts off...
  4. PPCLI_Jim

    1991 Isuzu Trooper LS - 2.8L Auto - It begins....

    yours looks pretty comparable to mine bodywise, it isnt showing all the rust it really has . i have work ahead of me on it though. i plan on a post zombie /apocolypse 4x4 when done for more stopping power try this this will explain the big brake mod...
  5. PPCLI_Jim

    1991 Isuzu Trooper LS - 2.8L Auto - It begins....

    hey there ive got an 88 trooper with 2.6 and a rodeo 97 with 3.2 love them both for separate reasons . im on the planet with the same screen name there
  6. PPCLI_Jim

    "Budget" Vehicles for DD/OL

    I've had a few Cherokees a few Comanches a few fords a samurai and now own 2 Isuzus 1 trooper 88 and a rodeo 97 the rodeo is the pavement princess and the trooper is my OL vehicle . the trooper is the one i want to get done up right , while it does only have a 2.6 vs the 3.2 i am putting a carb...
  7. PPCLI_Jim

    Snow Chains... what are you using?

    I use a cut down set of triples from my old next door neighbors rig got a full set fronts and rears for when im going ice fishing but for a highway commute i have a set of light ones bought from Canadian tire. this is the set for the rears mounted on my spare as i check for the correct sizing...
  8. PPCLI_Jim

    PPCLI_JIM's Other Isuzu thread

    I replaced old beat up headlights I found to replace them you must peel the face off of it.:Wow1: But ill be able to see at night now!:chef::coffeedrink:
  9. PPCLI_Jim

    PPCLI_JIM's Other Isuzu thread

    One set done one set to go but I do have a light set (Cdn tire specials) also that I could use up front IF I had to. This here is 2 chains and no I'm not leaving them here as there are too many light fingered individuals around my place. but i was checking the fit . i had to take 3 links off one...
  10. PPCLI_Jim

    Volvo 2 - What not another one

    what about a bigger line to assist in moving the air . after seeing the pics of you i know im a bigger sized person (LOL) and I've run up to this in some shops untill i get the largest size hoze they have . . that or maybe a 4 to 1 ratchet, or weld a socket to the bar extension? man i know...
  11. PPCLI_Jim

    Burk's Samurai TinTop Build

    Awesome clean and neat . keeping it tidy makes it so much easier later if you want to change / upgrade something !
  12. PPCLI_Jim

    New guy with a Samurai

    yes thats true. mine are on thier 3rd vehicle ... Ford Exploder Samurai and now my trooper
  13. PPCLI_Jim

    The other wonder mechanical genius my 88 Trooper

    Well i decided to take her to MR LUBE for the free oil change for Veterans. While that was happening they pointed out I have a leak probably from my dist.. well darn I have found the parts and a link on how to rebuild it. now to wait for parts to roll in . thankfully its not that bad...
  14. PPCLI_Jim

    New guy with a Samurai

    215s vs 235s
  15. PPCLI_Jim

    New guy with a Samurai

    heres mine out and about with the General Grabbers AT2
  16. PPCLI_Jim

    New guy with a Samurai

    the P's will have a lighter sidewall and ride better on the road . the LT's will have a stiffer sidewall for off road BUT its a trade off . the LT's will be noisier but if your doing a DD and not too abusive the P will be sufficient for you . Dont forget the weight class of the tires vs the...
  17. PPCLI_Jim

    New guy with a Samurai

    a good place for info is i am known by the same nickname there. .. the 235s are ok but they do take off of your top end speed and the 1.3 was never known to be a rocket ship. mine when i had it could tackle amost everything with that. with 235s and the zuks...
  18. PPCLI_Jim

    The other wonder mechanical genius my 88 Trooper

    Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to show what came in the mail today. 2 Expedition portal t shirts and a functional igniter box...not shown the good one as i put it in and Christine my 88 Trooper II RUNS!!!
  19. PPCLI_Jim

    BEHOLD: The Teal Terror, aka, Project 1995 Suzuki Sidekick

    I had a Samurai loved it , was gonna go diesel VW but stuff went sideways and i got rid of it. I loved the smaller size and lightness of the family design ,