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  1. PPCLI_Jim

    The other wonder mechanical genius my 88 Trooper

    Well the weathers warmed up a few degrees and my house guest has left . Time to start back in on the mods. I started tearing apart the rear bumper and found out its a multi piece design SWEET!!!:wings:. So I dismantled it cleaned up the original bolts replaced the missing ones and now have the...
  2. PPCLI_Jim

    Swing-away rear bumper WITHOUT a tire mount?

    Yes can you give us a build plan?
  3. PPCLI_Jim

    Yet another Suzuki samurai build

    on top one of the local mtns
  4. PPCLI_Jim

    Yet another Suzuki samurai build

    shots from the trail following the pipeline
  5. PPCLI_Jim

    Yet another Suzuki samurai build

    thank goodness for a wide spot a 3ft dia tree was blocking my route out on a back way into a local lake
  6. PPCLI_Jim

    Yet another Suzuki samurai build

    As Its been slow I decided to upload some pics of me Banging around in my Sami. Most of the pics are from the local area . My sami and the 4th boat i made . out being sneaky in it
  7. PPCLI_Jim

    The other wonder mechanical genius my 88 Trooper

    Well POOP! :ylsmoke: oh well I got another custom wrench It will set right next to my wrench for adjusting distributors on a Chebby 305 :chef: . Theres so many fancy tools for doing 1 job, its hard to keep up with them all, i used the other end and its packed away . no worry about stripping it...
  8. PPCLI_Jim

    The other wonder mechanical genius my 88 Trooper

    went to do my O2 sensor on my relic, and had to do this to a wrench so I could fit the wire through and still spin the thing. a socket would not accommodate the wire. So out came a grinder after I decided which of my wrenches is less valuable .
  9. PPCLI_Jim

    Order of modifications?

    i agree theres no sense in throwing money at something just because. when I decide to do a mod or fabricate something it is not for giggles. I do it for a reason. When i put my winch on my Isuzu, I did it so I dont get stuck without retrieval tools. then I thought what is the end of this, what...
  10. PPCLI_Jim

    Distributing the weight........a weighty matter

    Hey Spoke Id go with the highlift in the front.I mean if you have a decent front bumper you can add your mounts right on it. I forget what type of springs are you running? I have a burned out winch on mine, but when my zuk rolls into the shop i will be doing a frame stretch and CJ springs...
  11. PPCLI_Jim

    Suzuki Grand Vitara (XL7) Buyers Guide - 2016

    not sure myself my Samurai has the aerodynamic properties of a brick
  12. PPCLI_Jim

    Suzuki Grand Vitara (XL7) Buyers Guide - 2016,15.0.html all things Zuki here im diesel weasel on the forum
  13. PPCLI_Jim

    Jerry cans, which to choose?

    Jees there are times i wished i lived in the states after seeing those prices this is one
  14. PPCLI_Jim

    Exhaust heat for a water heater?

    here is what i did using the was a while ago though . i used a piece of copper that was the size of the coolant tube and wrapped it with smaller copper tubing so it was in contact with it then soldered it to the coolant tube . from there i took a tube of larger tubing and wrapped it...
  15. PPCLI_Jim

    Safety Items for Solo Travel?

    Sorry I have an older keyboard that sticks . yes you can get a hand gun into canada IF you do the proper paper work and have a legitimate reason for it. The paperwork must be done beforehand , as showing up at the border will get you turned away . If i want to visit my brother in another...
  16. PPCLI_Jim

    Safety Items for Solo Travel?

    Sorry I have an older keyboard that sticks . yes you can get a hand gun into canada IF you do the proper paper work and have a legitimate reason for it. The paperwork must be done beforehand , as showing up at the border will get you turned away . If i want to visit my brother in another...
  17. PPCLI_Jim

    Honeymoon expedition to Kazakhstan and Nordkapp in a Jimny

    I have a samurai and a question I have is have they upgraded the alternator from the 45 amp to a bigger one stock? or are thinking of adding one? I did the GM alt swap it makes a huge difference i went from 45 amp to 90,24500.msg253680.html#msg253680...
  18. PPCLI_Jim

    Sold my Eagle, now what? (Bought a Trooper)

    the box is under the intake .. / ITECH boxes its bolted in a real bear of a spot unless you pop the whole intake or pulll the head. and the valve cover when I did my head gasket i cracked one of the hold down point ...
  19. PPCLI_Jim

    Sold my Eagle, now what? (Bought a Trooper)

    wanna sell me the rocker cover / valve cover how ever you all say it? along with the igniter block?
  20. PPCLI_Jim

    Safety Items for Solo Travel?

    WRONG !!!!! as a Cdn that owns what is called a RESTRICTED firearm (PISTOL) do not how up here to Canada expecting to have a pistol get across the border. A shotgun or rifle NONE AR/ AK platform could be gotten across the border , as long as you do an application beforehand . i can take mine...