caught 6 like these ones one cool day last fall on Pumpkin head flys outside Williams Lake BC was a great day with the rest of the Wounded Warrior Guys
Nope you read correct CJ im doubling the weight up front due to the motor swap and winch. I will need the CJ spring rates and length, they are also 2" wide like the stock sami ones. for the rear im looking for the same lift along with the ability to control axle wrap due to the added torque...
No progress lately as Ive been sick as the proverbial dawg . but the weathers been getting better maybe tomorrow ill try to get the trailer wiring done and the rear leaf bushings too. i did one the other day as I went out to see if the penetrating oil worked ..UMMM no i busted the bolt and as...
Just did that in my 88 Gen 1 so much nicer but i do feel I will have to upgrade from 5/16" . and I need a longer Hilift as mine runs out just as it starts to lift the wheel off the ground
stevo-mt can you post pictures when its done? that I want to see
couple sheets of one inch plywood blocked up appropriately . block the wheels of the truck pull the motor and then roll the mess backward on the plywood . ive used a winch to pull the cherry picker back up a incline
I say in the end ill have a Ultimate Post Apocalypse Go Anywhere Do Anything 4X4 that will be completely redone by hands that i trust. Kinda like the old Rolls Royces [lol]. When im done it will stand out in the entire motor world as a singular piece of mechanical work, I shall be inline for a...
i used to be in the navy as a shipwright, now after retirement ive made 6 wooden boats. sold all of them to recoup the cost. i found and rescued this fiberglass one. it was shattered but now its my main boat
Probably because you dont crush everything under the heavy vehicles. being in the military i know about tearing up a forest after bombing around a few heavy vehicles here and there :bike_rider:
Well as you can see in post 1 of this thread i was lacking a lot of depending on how you look at it necessitates or should haves for a rig that goes exploring . as i have my samurai which is great for day / single overnight trips but it lacks the size /comfort that this has. with this i can...
:) it's in/on all bolts connected. what a pain i missed with a set of holes and had to fill the holes by welding them full then redrilling in the correct place :chef: its a very stealthy improvement
ill have to mount it to figure out where the winch mounts will go .. sigh as there are no trips planned i will leave it like this for now . I will have to drill larger holes for the chains to hook into . :coffeedrink::chef: I also have start cleaning my metal better in the future . these...
Still more to go , Dont you hate how when you finally get on a roll and then Bang dead stop . well I ran out of wire will venture out tomorrow and get some to finish this
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