New (to me) Samurai


It's amazing the difference a decent set of seats can do. I didn't take a whole lot of pix because I was racing the bad weather to get the job done, but the Neon seats are in. The test drive was pleasant and revealed how much the old seats rattled and shook.

A side by side comparison.
New seats! by Tim, on Flickr


I can honestly say that the seat swap has been the best thing I've done to this rig. The comparative comfort level is through the roof. And while it still pales in comparison to the heated leather seats of my Tahoe, these Neon seats are light years better than the stock seats.

Hmmm... what's next?


I bet that (not so secret) 2.0 is a lot nicer than the stock setup. I've got a 1.6 6v in storage waiting on a few more parts and money to swap it in.



Adventurer,131316.0.html heres my build thread ive been at it for over a year and i believe i am about 1/3 of the way through after im done the only truly stock thing will be the frame . am am doing a body swap as mine was rusted and i patched mine but found a beat stock Tintop. the body is getting reworked along with the motor being swapped out for a 1.9 td VW AAZ i will then also be swapping the suspension for CJ springs to do this i will lengthen the frame to accomadate the longer springs. I want a better ride not a monster truck .

View attachment 322807 here it is stock View attachment 322809 after doing a bunch of bodywork (there was a stopsign for a passenger floor 3 types of pop cans for rear wheel wells and spray foam used to keep water out View attachment 322810 and the new body being reworked i have made a mini cab and will be stretching the rear 1 ft
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One of my complaints about the simplicity of my Zuk is the severe lack of instrumentation. So scouring Craigslist I stumbled on a tachometer in great shape for only $10. SWEET!!! So i headed on to the next town over to pick it up and as I pulled into the guy's drive he walks up and says that he'll give me the tach if I help him get his car running. It just needed a push start.

One push start later I'm driving off with my brand spankin used tach for the cost of gas to get it.

I hope to have it installed this weekend. Pix to follow.



Over the weekend I got to have some fun with the Christian Off-Road Association OKC chapter. A few of us went down to help them out and we got to go play at Sundog Trails in Lexington Ok. Not a huge place but definitely fun!
Fun with CORA OKC! by Tim, on Flickr

Fun with CORA OKC! by Tim, on Flickr

Out of the small group, i was the only not to get stuck, however, i did manage to pull my rear bumper off while trying to extract a JKU. Not a big deal... just an opportunity for upgrade. But for now, i need to test the rear wiring harness to see if it sustained any damage as well. Maybe after it warms up...


Aside from pulling out a ground wire and unplugged the fuel gauge sensor the forced bumper removal caused no damage. The last time I re-wired the bumper, I included a flat 4 trailer plug between the body and the bumper, and that saved the wiring harness from any real damage.
The bumper was reinstalled without the stock tow bar, and currently working a plan is being formulated to integrate a receiver hitch into the bumper.
The nagging drive line vibration that I've been chasing is finally gone and I'm finally able to move on to other projects... the bumper, installing the roof rack and other stuff.

For now, I'm just enjoying driving it.


boxcar1,131316.0.html heres my build thread ive been at it for over a year and i believe i am about 1/3 of the way through after im done the only truly stock thing will be the frame . am am doing a body swap as mine was rusted and i patched mine but found a beat stock Tintop. the body is getting reworked along with the motor being swapped out for a 1.9 td VW AAZ i will then also be swapping the suspension for CJ springs to do this i will lengthen the frame to accomadate the longer springs. I want a better ride not a monster truck .

View attachment 322807 here it is stock View attachment 322809 after doing a bunch of bodywork (there was a stopsign for a passenger floor 3 types of pop cans for rear wheel wells and spray foam used to keep water out View attachment 322810 and the new body being reworked i have made a mini cab and will be stretching the rear 1 ft

I hope you plan on YJ springs NOT CJ springs for your conversion. CJ's are not the same animal.
What are you planning for gears?
I gotta be honest.
The only Samurai I have ever driven that was slower than the stock 1300 was the VW td converted one I owned . Great mileage but poor performance forced a change.
The 2 liter (Nissan gas conversion ) net'd 22 -25 mpg at 3 times the usable power and less than 1/3rd the cost...
The diesel converted Zuke I owned was actually a really well put together rig, Fairly stock other than the conversion . Just wasn't capable of normal freeway speeds.

The 2 liter:

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Nope you read correct CJ im doubling the weight up front due to the motor swap and winch. I will need the CJ spring rates and length, they are also 2" wide like the stock sami ones. for the rear im looking for the same lift along with the ability to control axle wrap due to the added torque from the VW motor. its kind of the standard set up once you swap motors like this. YJ'S[which are 2.5" wide] can be used yes but i have a full set of CJ here. i dont need top end but also not building a rock crawler .Just a good all around capable 4x4 for the backwoods relax mode
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