Search results

  1. P

    Fire Pans, NO MORE RINGS!

    x2 :victory:
  2. P

    1 ton man fort

    Is the back door a role-up?
  3. P

    STUCK pictures

    Lots of good pics here, ill have to see if I have any. But then again..... I dont get stuck. At least thats what I like to think.
  4. P

    Rear bumper swingout Pics

    Sorry for the ignorence, but whats a HMMWV?
  5. P

    Rear bumper swingout Pics

    now thats a great idea, a dual swing out!!
  6. P

    Toughbook CF-29

    I tried looking, can you post a link?
  7. P

    Rear bumper swingout Pics

    Isnt it nightfoam's!! :hehe:
  8. P

    1 ton man fort

    sounds like an awsome project, keep the updates comming
  9. P

    Toughbook CF-29

    I have been looking at toughbooks lately and found some cheap refurbished ones. Who out there has a CF-29 and can you tell me how its working for you? Have you had any issues with it on the trail, etc.
  10. P

    Axe or chainsaw?

    Well said, all I intended this thread for was to see which of the two you carry and what kind. There is always a time and a place and most of the time its the axe's place. Having a chain saw seems to me like an insurance policy. Its better to have it and not need it then to need it and not have...
  11. P

    Axe or chainsaw?

  12. P

    Axe or chainsaw?

    I didnt even think of that.... its a great idea and no extra gas and not as noisey as the chainsaw True. I however go with a big group 2-5 jeeps and i like big fires. Some times when we go to the dunes (Dumont) we have a fire that is 20' by 10'. ITS AWSOME!
  13. P

    Axe or chainsaw?

    Im glad to see everyone is in agreement. "THE DEAD WOOD LYING AROUND" is all im talking about. I would NEVER cut down a green tree for fire wood on the trail unless my life depended on it.
  14. P

    Who carries these?

    ********....Well said
  15. P

    Axe or chainsaw?

    I have an axe but after a recent trip I got to thinking. There was alot of dead wood laying around and we had braught our own (who would of thought). Wouldnt it be easier to bring a small 16" chainsaw then bring our own wood? Does anyone already carry a chainsaw? If so, what type and how do...
  16. P

    Who carries these?

    I was looking at the above stick on gear list and got to thinking. On all the gear lists I did not see anything dealing with alternators and water pumps. Am I the only one who carries extra critical engine replacement parts?
  17. P

    Post your camping / gear lists!

    Wow, with that beef jerky in there shouldnt it be light beer!:)