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  1. Billoftt

    Starter Comms — What should I get for basic comms to let me start joining group runs, etc?

    I can point you to 10 trucks in my neighborhood with 102” whips too, except they aren’t hooked up to anything, have about 6-14 tennis balls on them and the truck is squatted. Sent by electrons or some crap like that.
  2. Billoftt

    Best location for CB 102" whip antenna on 4x4 pickup with cap?

    Well, this might not be what you want to hear, but if it were me (and I am speaking only for myself based on experience) I would put an NMO mount in the center of the roof and buy a base-loaded Pulse-Larson NMO27 to make the height a bit more manageable...
  3. Billoftt

    HAM radio/amateur radio FAQ

    Mr. C’s Sent by electrons or some crap like that.
  4. Billoftt

    Starter Comms — What should I get for basic comms to let me start joining group runs, etc?

    The ironic part is how the CB die-hards always say stuff like “I don’t have enough time to take the test” or “It’s too much work” and then they have to screw with their radio or antenna for 30 minutes every time they try to use it on a trail run. Sent by electrons or some crap like that.
  5. Billoftt

    Storage Options

    I just use a small tool bag. Sent by electrons or some crap like that.
  6. Billoftt

    Finally dipped a toe into GMRS

    I was thinking the same. Or a lucky bounce off of a mountain. Whenever I am up in the mountains the more common 440 repeaters do some weird stuff. Sent by electrons or some crap like that.
  7. Billoftt

    Finally dipped a toe into GMRS

    I imagine you are not in the Southeastern USA, so much vegetation down here UHF just scatters off of it and I can only get about 4-6 miles out of it. Sent by electrons or some crap like that.
  8. Billoftt

    FCC's Enforcement Bureau Issues Citation to Rugged Radios for Equipment Marketing Violations

    Well, nobody ever accused them of being honest, have they? Sent by electrons or some crap like that.
  9. Billoftt

    FCC's Enforcement Bureau Issues Citation to Rugged Radios for Equipment Marketing Violations

    You should link the record on the FCC’s website on that post. Sent by electrons or some crap like that.
  10. Billoftt

    I.D this antenna

    I think the roof mount might be one of those triband or quadband antennas. Sent by electrons or some crap like that.
  11. Billoftt

    I.D this antenna

    HF antenna for Amateur Radio Sent by electrons or some crap like that.
  12. Billoftt

    Midland Micromobile

    Are you implying that they do not have a shady reputation somewhere? Sent by electrons or some crap like that.
  13. Billoftt

    Mobile Radio choice: Dual band vs. 2m?

    There’s the Dave answer I was looking for. On to the vote, I have a Kenwood TM-V71A and I constantly use the keypad on the mic. I have the function buttons programmed just right so that I can perform most function I need on the fly while driving and the keypad is just simple enough that I...
  14. Billoftt

    Mobile Radio choice: Dual band vs. 2m?

    Have cruised the hamventions and local club swap-meets? The reason why I ask is I usually see some more basic models (both 2m and dual band) in good shape for a bit cheaper. I usually see the Yaesu fanless VHF brick for $60-80 in my area when they pop up. Sent by electrons or some crap like...
  15. Billoftt

    Mobile Radio choice: Dual band vs. 2m?

    2m/70cm antennas are not really a compromise. I am 100% positive Dave will explain the technicals in greater detail, but those two band resonate together. A very common antenna is one that is 1/2 wave on 2m and 5/8 over 5/8 collinear on 70cm. As far as use on each band goes, I live in South...
  16. Billoftt

    GMRS question

    I would recommend putting a meter on it and finding out. Ask the local Amateur club to borrow an antenna analyzer and test it at 462 MHz (simplex) and 467 MHz (repeater inputs) and check it’s resonance. If anything, it is on an NMO mount and could easily be swapped out Sent by electrons or...
  17. Billoftt

    Which Radio ?

    This right here, I don’t know how many times I have to get into this discussion. Best case scenario you have an antenna mounted on your roof. How much advantage do you think a high gain antenna has at six feet high? If you have it on a fender at three feet high? On the roof of my house at 23’...
  18. Billoftt

    Which Radio ?

    I think most of those are NGP antennas. I legit have no idea why they aren’t more commonly mounted higher. When I was thinking about moving down to Adelaide I was looking into it. Australian CB uses (in addition to the legacy 27 MHz AM) UHF FM in the 476-477 MHz range and a lot of repeaters...
  19. Billoftt

    my experience with GMRS so far

    My GMRS license was about 2 days, my Ham license was just over 4 weeks. Sent by electrons or some crap like that.