I'm looking for a DD/Family Trip vehicle for my wife and after checking everything from Discovery's, Land Cruiser's, 4Runner's, Expediton's, and Excursion's I finally decided on the 3/4 ton Suburban/Yukon XL. You can tow with it, haul eight large family member or five and a bunch of crap from the mall/out of town major shopping outlet stores. Also being build for heavy duty use the brakes are bigger and other driveline components.
Now I'm asking for the pros and cons of ownership and major mechanical problems seen that seem common.
I would use the vehicle to tow a trailer from time to time and slowly build it up for back country trips when I would drive it. For the engine I'm looking at the 6.0 but might jump on a 8.1 for the right price. I realize that I'm looking at vehicles with 150K to 200K and nearly a decade plus or older.
Also unlike the Ford's and Land Rover's I want something I can still work on fairly easily and not have to work on all the time and my 5.4 3V Triton has left me upset with FoMoCo.
Thanks for your time.
Now I'm asking for the pros and cons of ownership and major mechanical problems seen that seem common.
I would use the vehicle to tow a trailer from time to time and slowly build it up for back country trips when I would drive it. For the engine I'm looking at the 6.0 but might jump on a 8.1 for the right price. I realize that I'm looking at vehicles with 150K to 200K and nearly a decade plus or older.
Also unlike the Ford's and Land Rover's I want something I can still work on fairly easily and not have to work on all the time and my 5.4 3V Triton has left me upset with FoMoCo.
Thanks for your time.