I fixed it! Tow was about 1/8" measuring from the tread so I increased it to almost 1/4". Its not new so more tow works well if you have some wear. For good measure I greased it, shook down the whole front end looking for loose components and was able to get between an 1/8 and half turn on ubolts and spring mounting bolts. Basically nothing was worn or loose. No major change after I test drove it but it was better.
The steering box always had a smidge of play but I never considered it "loose". A 5/8" flex head gear wrench, super bright flashlight and American ball end Allen wrench on the end of vise grips allowed me to adjust the steering box. Most will say if it's loose replace the box and you can destroy a box by over tightening but what the heck I've done it on other vehicles without problem. The box is burried way down under hoses and lines of every flavor but it can be adjusted once you get way down too it. I turned the adjustment about 1/4 turn is all. It drives better than when I bought it 12 years ago. You must hold the nut and tighten the center screw and it's a pita. Here is a short vid I just found that shows the adjustment. Do it exactly like this vid and don't tighten that center screew tight. Just run it down a little bit. All boxes are the same and have this adjustment. I should have done this when I bought it because I've been hearing Ford steering boxes are often a little loose.