IMHO - ARB's are overpriced and underbuilt. I've seen a lot of ARB's get bent from lesser impacts than my bumper has taken and stood up to. And they're heavy as hell! ...but I must admit that they do look good.
I'm probably going to buy a bumper from 4xinnovations though, I really like it.
From their website, thats actually SAR_Squids I believe:
Yep - that's my bumper. Tube will give you the lightest weight, but still be structurally solid. I love my bumper. Mine was 4xInnovations Tacoma prototype, and Adam built it based on what I wanted. My custom bumper became his Tacoma production bumper. You can get it with or without the stinger, or with a 2-bend hoop in front. The purpose of a stinger is to protect your radiator in the event of a roll over, to keep you from rolling over forward on a VERY steep descent (which is mostly a problem for Jeeps - NOT Tacomas), and you can use it to push the front of the truck up to get your front wheels up a rock face. But to be honest - I just like the way it looks, and as a side effect it helps me judge how close I am to stuff.
But I know a lot of people don't like my bumper, or the stinger, or tube bumpers in general. If you don't like my bumper, I would suggest checking out CBI.
He makes nearly a dozen different tube bumper styles, and CBI makes the plate style bumper that is my personal favorite - hands down.
Something to consider is the safety aspect. I have a friend that just wrecked his '03 Tundra. He was forced off the road on a curve by a semi and hit a light pole. He had a custom winch bumper made and as a result his air bags deployed late. The result: Broken sternum (steering wheel) and 44 stitches on his head and face (windshield). To my knowledge ARB is the only manufacturer who make bumpers that are synced with the factory airbag deployment schedule. Like many, I never thought it was a big deal, but I do now.
On Tacomas the bumper has absolutely NOTHING to do with the air bag deployment. On a Tacoma, the sensors are located on top of the frame rails in the engine compartment - not in the bumper. A Tacoma's airbag is set off via a "G Force' imometer" or watever its called. The sensors measure how fast a vehicle stops, NOT a crumple zone detector, that deploys the airbags once the bumper is crumpled.