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Hello! New to the forum. Long time lurker. I finally did it. Found the platform i've been looking for. I've had a pop up skamper and toyota truck combo, travel trailers, overland truck with hard top tent, etc but nothing has me quite as excited as this project. It's a bullet proofed 6.0 liter ford with 105k and storage to boot thanks to the Stahl utility body. Has anyone seen another van utility body conversion? I've looked but have yet to find one. Im extremely excited to hit the road with this beast needless to say. It's got the feel of a zombie response vehicle affectionately called Basecamp. It's currently in San Diego receiving it's conversion from Agile Offroad. Lots of modifications to come: solar using the Inergy kodiak and agm secondary battery, 400 watts of solar, darche 270 awning, custom aluminess roof rack, and modified Tiger Siberian bumper (which pairs with the vehicle very well), propex heater, upper rear sliding windows, ladder, etc etc. The interior will receive some work as well but will be a bit spartan and really utility driven. It's meant to be a live outside vehicle though interior accommodations will be quite comfortable. I see it as a large hybrid ute canopy vehicle. The horizontal door's located on the sides of the vehicle open up to the interior. All others are enclosed storage accessed from the outside only (for now). Nearly a queen sized bed (sleeping perpendicular, my trusty old ARB fridge, single burner stove, insulation and some kind of tight weave carpet on top of that. I'd love some basic insulation tips from anyone willing to provide a few. I'll dive more into that here on the forum when the time comes. Complete paint job will eventually follow but it may take me a bit to get that done. Here are a few before and in process pics.
Thanks to all who have shared on this forum. I look forward to continue learning and building out on my first expedition vehicle.
Thanks to all who have shared on this forum. I look forward to continue learning and building out on my first expedition vehicle.