Build your own.I welcome your make and model suggestions for a chest-style 12-volt compressor refrigerator to put in my overlanding SUV. I'd like to find one that excels in two specific areas: power consumption and insulation quality.
Buy a remote compressor and an evaporator and build an insulated box which can be any shape and with as much top quality insulation as you wish.
I did this for a deep freezer that I built under a seat in our vehicle 20 years ago using a Danfoss/Seecop compressor (which are variable speed and have much better efficiency when run at lower speeds).
The compressor/condenser is alongside the cooled space and the cooling air dries the tea towels.
Choose a thermostat for the temperature range that you wish to run it at.
ps... the current draw is not so important, it is the duty cycle at the running current that determines the total energy consumption and the quality of the insulation is critical to reducing that.
OKA196 motorhome
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