While disconnecting the nuts inside the wheel house, all the M10 (a little bit more than 3/8"UNC) threads broke. Too much corrosion between stainless steel and the aluminum rail fasteners during the wintertime by salty water and ice. :Wow1:
So I changed the design a little bit:
broken threads
Aluminum washers and the rail fasteners with tapped M8 (simular to 5/16"UNC but doesn't match at all), covered by clear laquer
After the assembling they got a good portion of wax! Hope this will help to get them removed without breaking the threads again. Time will tell...
The Nato hitch got some paint too.
Pendulum brackets polished and covered by clear laquer.
I always use copper paste for all threads. Specially the stainless steel threads need this for sure! And I'm superstitious. So the procedur had to be done at a grave yard by full moon conterclockwise! :victory:
Never had such a desaster while unscrewing a nut. :Wow1: