$150 Flip Pac Build (sort of)

Bella PSD

WOW! That sucks!!!!!:Wow1:

It might be fixable?? Looks like the torsion bar is almost unsprung. Half way open and there is no twist or load on the bar. It would be safe to hammer the torsion bar out and relieve the little bit of tension on the flip that's getting ripped apart. Then you could at the very least get it closed. You could then also safely look and see if you could get a new hinge piece and what, if any damage, was done to where it mounts to the flip.

After that you have all the damage done to the tent, frame and fiberglass flip that split with the force from the torsion bar.

Just sucks! I think this is the coolest Flip Pac, with its rear doors, I have seen!!


Ouch. Sorry to hear.

It looks perfectly fixable though.

But it will require some serious surgery.


WOW! That sucks!!!!!:Wow1:

It might be fixable?? Looks like the torsion bar is almost unsprung. Half way open and there is no twist or load on the bar. It would be safe to hammer the torsion bar out and relieve the little bit of tension on the flip that's getting ripped apart. Then you could at the very least get it closed. You could then also safely look and see if you could get a new hinge piece and what, if any damage, was done to where it mounts to the flip.

After that you have all the damage done to the tent, frame and fiberglass flip that split with the force from the torsion bar.

Just sucks! I think this is the coolest Flip Pac, with its rear doors, I have seen!!

Currently I have the flip ratchet strapped down so it should be fine for the drive back to socal tomorrow. I ended up using the crank to twist the torsion bar enough to let me get the strap tight enough to work. It looks like I would have the replace the entire metal piece inside the flip in addition to repairing all the broken fiberglass in the vicinity which is beyond my repair skills and financial means unfortunately.


Expedition Leader
Wow- that sucks. It looks like it would be a lot easier to just replace the top if the current models are the same size. Not saying you couldn't clean out all of that rot and epoxy it, but damn that would be a lot of work considering you're going to have to take it off anyways.

If I was close by I'd be interested in taking it off your hands, but I'm not.


Things are looking up for the time being. ntsqd has been nice enough to offer to help me fix this so hopefully I'll be able to add some more good news to this thread soonish.


Awwesome, I wanted to see it in the bush at least once before it went to the dump! Hope you're able to find a solution.


Met with ntsqd (great guy btw) today and it looks like the Flip Pac is fixable! I've got finals next week so I'll be starting the disassembly after that when I've got more free time.


New member
After reading this thread I am glad to hear that you can salvage it. Thats awesome. Keep us posted. :)

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