16 US States and 4 Canadian Provinces. (Banff NP and Jasper NP), July 2022

I made a stop at Bow Lake.

Followed by a mandatory stop to see Num-Ti-Jah Lodge for my first time. It is otherwise called The Lodge at Bow Lake.


Mandatory Peyto Lake stop and shots.


As I continued driving, I kept on getting this beautiful view on the Icefield Parkway.

Then we got to the Columbia Icefield Glacier Adventure office. Sadly, we missed our tour by 5 minutes because of traffic on the way and very slow cars going below the speed limit. Well, we got help and got on another bus an hour later.

We get on this bus for a 5 minutes drive.

To get on this gigantic monster. One tire alone is taller than my Honda Accord.

The monster bus took us on a 10 minute very slow and bumpy ride to the Glacier. We got to take pictures, drink Glacier water and I even carried 2 bottles full of Glacier water to drink.





After this, the monster bus took us back to where we got on the regular bus and it dropped us off at the Skywalk. Then it started raining a lot. I do not really like heights like that, so when I walked onto the Skywalk, it was not a very good feeling. Then the rain made the glass wet and slippery. So, half of the glass of the Skywalk was blocked off by the staff while one member of the staff was busy cleaning the water off the other half part that was open. Water was quickly building up on the glass floor and making it very slippery and unsafe for visitors. Yet, people were still on it, walking and taking their pictures without minding the risk of falling.

After this, we drove to Jasper, checked in and went for dinner. At 9:30pm, we decided to drive to Maligne Lake to see of we could be lucky to see some wildlife and to see Malugne Lake at this time of the day. All the pictures below were taken between the hours of 9:45pm and 10:20pm. We saw a lot of wildlife and were lucky to get some good pictures of Maligne Lake with it's historic boat house. Please, go visit Maligne Lake at such time of the day where you have the Lake all to yourself and not with a lot of other tourists. Let me share some of the pictures I took today between 9:30pm and 10:20pm.






Medicine Lake


Maligne Lake is very gorgeous! Please, do visit this lake late in the day so that you can have it all to yourself to appreciate its beauty. Also, if you can, take a love one to Maligne Lake late like this so you guys can have a very romantic walk.





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New member
GP. ‘Relatively’ is a relative term. We’re used to a bit of a drive to get somewhere, living up here….

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Before our Maligne Lake boat tour today, we visited Pyramid Lake. This is the second best Lake in the area after Maligne Lake. So, it is worth a visit if you are in the area especially as it has a real sandy beach.

One our drove today to Maligne Lake for our Maligne Lake Tour, I was captivated by this image. So, I pulled over and took some pictures.

We got to the lake and got in line to board. But we had to wait for the boat that just docked to let all its passengers out.


Then it was time for us to board our own vessel with Jared as the Captain of our boat and the beautiful and knowledgeable Jordan as our tour guide. We quickly departed for our 90 minutes round trip tour. 35 minutes ride each way with 20 minutes time off the boat at the island next to Spirit Island. Nobody is allowed to go on Spirit Island itself.
Jared and Jordan

I decided to take a picture of all passengers on board

Views from our boat


We finally docked at Spirit Island. Pictures of Spirit Island




On our boat ride back to shore, a rainbow appeared. So, everybody made sure to take a picture since it was not there a few minutes eauer when we passed that same spot.

I climbed on the deck of our boat and took this picture as we were sailing back to shore.

We made it back safe and sound and when everybody was off the boat, I decide to take pictures of the boat that carried us on our tour; John Albert

And then I turned and saw this other tour boat and decided I would like this picture in my collection. So, I took this picture of the other tour boat
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Leaving Jasper 2 days ago, I had to stop and take this picture.

Then got on the road for a long drive to Vancouver, BC using the very scenic Sea to Sky Highway.

The road is very beautiful, steep and has lots of dangerous curves They warn you about your brakes getting too hot and that is something to watch for. They have 2 run away ramps for anybody who's brakes fails. I enjoyed the drive and enjoyed throwing my Accord through those twisties like a race car.

From Lilloet, BC to Whistler is the best section and a lot of downhill. I enjoyed it the most. It is on this section that I met a van who's brakes were smoking and smelling so much I thought it was on fire.

We made a stop in Whistler to walk around and visit the area. That is when a bear decided to come to town looking for food and the place got crazy. People running around and screaming. Well, I didn't stay there for long as they were asking people to stay away. So, we just walked to the car and left.
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The next day, which was yesterday was a day I was very worried about a lot because throughout my trip so far, I have loaded my 2020 Honda Accord with 15 Military Fuel Jerry Cans and was worried the US Border Patrol may not allow me to bring all 15 into the country. Well, this is how it went.

Well, I finally made it across the US/Canada border with my 15 Jerry Cans. I thought Border Patrol was going to give me a hard time, but I was lucky. Though I had prepared myself for any questions with prepared answers already. But I didn't have to use my prepared answers.

This is how it went with Border Patrol. We handed him our passport and he started questioning us.

BP: "Where are you guys coming from?"
Me: "Banff and Jasper NP in Canada."
BP: "How long were you guys there for?"
Me: "11 days"
BP: "What did you guys bring back from Canada?"
Me: "Jerry Cans"
BP: "Roll down the rear windows for me. Wow! That is a lot of Jerry Cans. You don't like the ones from the US?"
Me: "The US does not carry these ones."
BP: "These are the military kinds. I hope they are all empty"
Me: "Yes, they are all empty.", as I nodded my head about then being the military kinds.
BP: "Where do you guys live?"
Me: Told him
BP: "OK, you guys be safe driving back home."
Me: "Thank you VERY MUCH!"

And off we went back into the USA with 15 Jerry Cans.

To be honest, I was worried they were going to give me a hard time for having 15 Jerry Cans, but all the 15 were in plain sight. So, I had nothing to hide or worry about as I made sure to declare them and not try to hide anything.

Honestly, I don't think they would stop someone from bringing 15 Jerry Cans into the country. They are just 15 empty plastic containers.

I bought 15 Scepter Military Fuel/Gas Jerry Cans to sell most and maybe keep some. Here is the link to my For Sale thread.

Scepter 5 gallons Military Fuel/Gas Jerry Can For Sale



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Last night, I went driving around Seattle and had to stop for a picture at the Fremont Troll. I then went over to Kerry Park and it was packed, but I found a space to park and take pictures. I flew my drone amd wow! There were like 6 other drones in the sky. I did not stay flying for long as some of the drones were getting really too close to each other and that made me worry there would a collision up there. I have never seen so many drones flying next to each other. So, I landed mine.



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