The next day, which was yesterday was a day I was very worried about a lot because throughout my trip so far, I have loaded my 2020 Honda Accord with 15 Military Fuel Jerry Cans and was worried the US Border Patrol may not allow me to bring all 15 into the country. Well, this is how it went.
Well, I finally made it across the US/Canada border with my 15 Jerry Cans. I thought Border Patrol was going to give me a hard time, but I was lucky. Though I had prepared myself for any questions with prepared answers already. But I didn't have to use my prepared answers.
This is how it went with Border Patrol. We handed him our passport and he started questioning us.
BP: "Where are you guys coming from?"
Me: "Banff and Jasper NP in Canada."
BP: "How long were you guys there for?"
Me: "11 days"
BP: "What did you guys bring back from Canada?"
Me: "Jerry Cans"
BP: "Roll down the rear windows for me. Wow! That is a lot of Jerry Cans. You don't like the ones from the US?"
Me: "The US does not carry these ones."
BP: "These are the military kinds. I hope they are all empty"
Me: "Yes, they are all empty.", as I nodded my head about then being the military kinds.
BP: "Where do you guys live?"
Me: Told him
BP: "OK, you guys be safe driving back home."
Me: "Thank you VERY MUCH!"
And off we went back into the USA with 15 Jerry Cans.
To be honest, I was worried they were going to give me a hard time for having 15 Jerry Cans, but all the 15 were in plain sight. So, I had nothing to hide or worry about as I made sure to declare them and not try to hide anything.
Honestly, I don't think they would stop someone from bringing 15 Jerry Cans into the country. They are just 15 empty plastic containers.
I bought 15 Scepter Military Fuel/Gas Jerry Cans to sell most and maybe keep some. Here is the link to my For Sale thread.
Scepter 5 gallons Military Fuel/Gas Jerry Can For Sale