Very cool - I'm glad that red one is going to get some attention- I fought with myself a few months back about whether or not to go up there and get it, since it is a pretty complete and original early soft top - In the end I talked myself out of it because of my limited chances of sourcing a decent canvas for it, and the fact that I require exactly ZERO more automotive projects (I have a 5+ year backlog of project vehicles right now as it is

) - Very good score.
One thing I am curious about is that odometer reading - if that rig really has 15k documented original miles, then I can not imagine how the engine could have such low compression, unless they ran it for 15k miles on some really nasty motor oil. I am suspicious about whether it was driven without the speedo hooked up or something... Just speculating. Even after sitting for decades, I have seen the piston rings in old engines seal themselves back up soon after fire is put to the engine... I guess the answer will reveal itself when the cylinder head is pulled - any engine with 15k miles should not have much of a ridge at the top of the cylinders...
If it really does have that few miles on it, then I would think it would be a Barrett-Jackson candidate after everything is sorted out on it... :drool:
I've been greatly enjoying your 64 build - your attention to detail is admirable- please keep up the updates.