1966 Travelall Ambulance Adventure Machine


Expedition Leader
Looking sweet. Keep it up and keep us posted. You inspired me so much my step dad is still yacking about a scout filling up his little shop (4 full bays).


Expedition Leader
I love this build. The Cummins is going to be awesome. De-Stroked has this down pretty well. I told myself if anything happens to the 7.3 I would by putting in a Cummins via De-Stroked.


Expedition Leader
Beautiful Project. I have always loved the Travelalls. My dad had a '71 when I was a kid. It scares my wife, but I will get one. One day. I will be following this thread as I am curious on the rest of the build.


Expedition Leader
Thanks for the compliements.:) Its good to get some other IH guys motivated. My wife is scared too.:elkgrin: This June will be 23 years since I bought my first International. I was 16, it was a 1966 Scout and my dad just shook his head, its been downhill ever since.:snorkel:

The motor is a Cummins 3.9 ISB which is a common rail 4 cylinder Turbo Diesel. It came out of a wrecked FEDEX truck. The engine sticker rates it at 170 hp/420 tq. An Allison 5 speed auto came behind it and it has a SAE 2 bellhousing. The 2x4 Fedex trans has been swapped out for a 4x4 trans. It is an all electronic combo but I am a diesel mechanic so am not too scared of it. Its a smaller package lengthwise than a 6bt but puts out comparable power to a first gen Bosch VE pumped one. The trans is a little portly so I might have to do some tunnel massaging. Destroked.com sells the kit to put the Ford NV271 transfercase behind the Allison, it involves a new input in the t-case and a VSS in the tailhousing.

Next in my plan is to clean up the engine bay and the floor under it from the engine pull. Hate working on a dirty floor. Then I need get the frame sitting level side to side and fore and aft on the jackstands. I am going to be taking the stock steering box out and shortening up the steering shaft too. Might get quite a bit of work done on it this weekend. Plans are for camping but the weather is saying rain and wife says no camping with the kids in the rain.


Expedition Leader
Where would someone find a junkyard that stocks FedEx trucks? I used to work for FedEx Ground and was amazed at how much quieter the ISB variants were compared to their mechanical siblings.

I don't know. 4btswaps.com has a classified section and you see some pop up for sale there from time to time. I have seen them on ebay and craigslist too. Be prepared to look for a while and pay a fair bit of money for one. They don't seem to come up to often and when they do people want a bit for them. The noise level is one reason I choose this one over a mechanical Cummins, guess I am getting old but noisy cars just don't hold the appeal for me they once did.:)


Expedition Leader
Thanks for the info on the motor ShortBus. I can see why you want a smaller motor, as a 6 cylinder Cummins really is quite big. I cant wait to see your project come together. Keep those updates and pics coming, Cheers, Chilli.:)


My Brother had a IH Travel All as well. It was a California DOT rig and was Orange. He painted tiger stripes on it and we called her Tony. LOVED THAT RIG! Nice build you got going!


Expedition Leader
One and only update is that its getting new digs.:) We just moved this month to a new place in the country on 10 acres with a 1700 square foot shop that is about 30 feet from my front door.:elkgrin: Haven't worked on it much since May with me getting a new job in May and moving in July. Last weekend I went to CA and moved some more of my stuff up here which includes a forklift.:sombrero: I was going to move it this weekend over to the new place but I have an engine job to do for someone instead. Oh well its a cash money job so I can't say no. I also have to clean up and mow the yard at our previous house this weekend and turn the keys in by the end of the month. Hope to have some updates around mid to late August.


Expedition Leader
Got my axleless Travelall loaded up this last weekend with no major carnage. Its currently sitting on my trailer while I organize my new shop.


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