1973 Wagoneer - Full Size Camping Goodness

Comanche Scott

Expedition Leader
Sounds like your waggy is a big tease... lol

That transition from cold to warm, is giving me a pause, but I don't like to jump to conclusions without data to back it up. Which is why I suggest we eliminate all other inputs/outputs before going there.
Still though, if you talk to the MSD techs, I think it is worth mentioning to see what they say. They may have a flash that will address this as more and more non-Chevy engines get converted.
Nothing happens the same way between a SBC/SBF and any other mfg in this regard. I've always been able to tune around that though. If they don't have a flash, and we determine this is the issue, we can do a work around.

Dr. Marneaus

Station Wagoneer
I hear ya. I'll get on the fuel pressure gauge ASAP. Also may get a thermometer and check the actual temp vs. the temp the sensor is reading.

Dr. Marneaus

Station Wagoneer
This storm that is pounding northern CA and NV has been a PITA, but it made for a good drive on saturday morning. This is all right up behind my house, I have about 200 yards of pavement then hit public land.

I was alone and the real storm was coming on the horizon so I stuck to trails I knew. It was beautiful out there with all the fresh snow.


Comanche Scott

Expedition Leader
Man, that is b-e-a-u-t-f-u-l! :)

I saw the news of all the flooding going on in Reno, and was hoping you guys weren't part of that mess.

Dr. Marneaus

Station Wagoneer
You've seen my property, its on a corner and kind of a high corner with compound slope. Theres a high flow drainage ditch on the low side of my property line, which collects from a whole hillside and 2 cul-de-sac's behind me. That was causing major problems for a few houses down from me.

We spent several hours sunday night clearing culverts with the neighbors and trying to dam up near that ditch to get the flow reveres across my front property line and out to the main ditches on the main road. Didnt help much.

Long story short, our house was fine. Lots of places around the city were flooded though.


Finally got thru the whole thread, great read!

The Waggy is a beaut, Clark! And you have been far more patient than I would be!


I just look at old vehicles, especially with carbs, and have no expectations whatsoever for them to perform like a new vehicle. They're gonna be cranky, have quirks and smell bad. As soon as I think they should perform like a new vehicle is the second I get pissed and disappointed at them. If I treat them like the quirks they are, it's what gives old vehicles so much character and makes you love them so much. Your waggy is straight goals too, when I have one one day I want it to be just like yours.


Nothing like carb problems. Not even having problems so much as annoyances.

I understand the sentiment. I have multiple projects for that reason - well I also have a pretty severe car addiction - if I get annoyed or tired of one, I go play with a different one for a while until the passion builds back up and the annoyances are forgotten. My supposedly 'restored' GW has fought me since I got it, so far I've swapped engines, rebuilt the carb, replaced half of the exhaust and now dropped the gas tank to try to find a rear brake line leak and make sure there's nothing trapped in there that could cause the frame rust these things are so well known for. Unfortunately (or fortunately), I was working on it outside as my garage is full with other projects and the weather has prevented me from finishing it up, so instead I got some work done on my '67 firebird restoration and am collecting parts for the timing belt service on my Ferrari. That and I'm picking up a full spare bathroom for my Airstream so I can refinish it, found a Cayo C-11 truck camper to restore that I'm picking up in a couple of weeks and have some small stuff to do on my Wrangler...Maybe I have too much stuff...No, I definitely have too much stuff. Luckily my wife is very understanding and I think appreciates that my hobbies are constructive instead of destructive. Also helps me not get too frustrated on any one project as there's always progress to be made elsewhere.

Dr. Marneaus

Station Wagoneer
I have other hobbies as well, but those hobbies cost monies...which is the thing that is in most short supply.

I do have 2 Honda XL175's sitting out back, of equal vintage to my wagoneer, that I could start to tear down and maybe combine into a single bike that is complete and functional.....


Independent Thinker
Beautiful snow pictures! Also, when you get frustrated with the Waggy, keep one thing in mind... that feeling you get when you walk out on a warm summer morning and see it sitting and waiting for your to go on a drive to a destination unknown. I don't know why, my Waggy just seems happy to putter around on simple dirt roads with no particular destination in mind. It makes me happy every time I do it.

Dr. Marneaus

Station Wagoneer
I've got a number of trips planned this year. Specifically in the spring.

I'm headed to Mendocino County in April, June Lake in May, then i'm sure a number of random camping trips, and potentially a few longer ones.

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