1973 Wagoneer - Full Size Camping Goodness


It's still a nice vehicle. Some friends went to Africa to work for USAID and they took theirs over with the 226 motor in it. They brought it back and it ran for years after. WTH, my favorite Jeep is a 1961 3B. I don't need to go fast and I can stuff everything in it. Stand back and just think about it.

Dr. Marneaus

Station Wagoneer
It's still a nice vehicle. Some friends went to Africa to work for USAID and they took theirs over with the 226 motor in it. They brought it back and it ran for years after. WTH, my favorite Jeep is a 1961 3B. I don't need to go fast and I can stuff everything in it. Stand back and just think about it.

Stand back and think about what?


I've been following this vehicle for years, starting back on JeepForum.com. A vehicle is a temporary possession, and (almost) all lose value over time. You've done a great job with building it!. Moving on to the next project is not a sin, and if you go that direction, I think you will find peace. It seems like you're beating yourself up over letting it go.


been tired for a few years, and also have realized something like this isnt very well suited for anything other than being cool.

I can sympathize. I recently sold my 59 chevy PU that I've had for almost 25 years. It was a beater but fun, got lots of positive attention. I recently realized that I was tired of fixing all the little things that go wrong and that I don't have the skills to do it right. Put it for sale with a decent price, it was gone in 24 hrs. I've got the pics and the memories and that's good enough. Now on to the next project!


I always say I want a project, and usually enjoy it. Then, by the time it's "done" (or as close as you can get on a project car) I feel like I'm ready to get rid of it.


Also, as of late, these past few years struggling with the carb, and now struggling with the fuel injection, and still struggling with all the other crap you struggle with on a 40 year old truck, I'm pretty much "over it".

I've been looking at a number of other options, and recently found a partially restored CJ-^ that a fellow is willing to trade for it. I've wanted something old and slow to putt around with for some time, but the concept of never being able to go more than 45mph does scare me, as well as some of the attempted restoration. Seems like a back yard bubba restoration.

So, Nothing decided at this moment, but I'm not sure how much longer this thing will be hanging around. All relationships come to an end I guess. I've just realized that literally any modern 4x4 truck or SUV will do everything my wagoneer does, and it will do it better, safer, more reliably, and more efficiently. If my wagoneer disappeared tomorrow, I'd still be able to do everything I do (and them some) with my little Dakota, which isn't even very good at anything. This makes me realize that I'm using the wagoneer for the wrong stuff. I'm using it as a long distance camping and exploring vehicle. Its unreliable, its uncomfortable, its not very capable, and its extremely inefficient at 10mpg or so, which doesnt seem to have improved since doing the EFI. I can spend my life trying to make this something that it never will be, I can keep dumping money into it, drop an LS into it, and it'll still just be a beat up old truck that isnt very good at stuff.

So, we'll see. I dont think it'll be around me much longer, I'd like to get rid of it and get something fun and different to work on. Then eventually get rid of my pickup and get a new truck or SUV or jeep or whatever to do a mild build on and use as a capable, safe, camping and exploring vehicle.

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I'm in a similar boat with my wagoneer. Engine is knocking now (I think wrist pin, hoping valve train) and I'm at a cross roads. Pull the engine (for the 2nd time) and fix it, or sell it along with the Land Rover 109 and buy a new JL wrangler with a warranty and close to double the fuel mileage, more capabilities etc. I'm leaning towards the JL at this point.


Rollin' along
been tired for a few years, and also have realized something like this isnt very well suited for anything other than being cool.

I think this is an interesting comment. As you mention, other 4x4's can do everything this can do and perhaps do it better. The "cool" aspect is based upon the Jeep being more rare than other 4x4's. But there are a lot of "cool" vehicles out there and being able to drive one in confidence is "cooler" than the "cool" one sitting. I applaud you for all the work you have done and if you decide to sell for a better 4x4 for your needs, thanks for the years of sharing.

Comanche Scott

Expedition Leader
What does your wife think about selling it?
If she has no issues with that, then perhaps it is time to consider another direction. But maybe not sell it off so quickly. Prices are rising, so unless you need the income, it will only be worth more in the future.

I talked to my buddy with the MSD system we installed, and he is very happy with it still. So I have to believe there is definitely an issue with the system on your Jeep.
Hopefully the MSD techs will be willing to test it, or can at least recommend a local installer with excellent capabilities.
But... even with that fixed, if the Waggy isn't comfortable, and doesn't do what you want, you are thinking right about getting something else.

Doesn't mean you couldn't keep the waggy, and drive it on the weekends (once the msd is sorted out).
Having a cool toy is always a fun thing. :)


It's your Jeep so do what you want to do. The last time I drove the Holy Cross City trail people were running out from their parked vehicles to talk to me about my 3B. They didn't care about the CJ7, CJ5 or the LC that was on the road. I still have the Buick in a shed. (I really should fix the fuel pump).


Well-known member
Went through the same thing but with a 1973 BMW 2002. Got it for a good deal and put a lot of time and money into it. Except for about a week I drove it about every other day. But I was always working on it. After a while I felt like it owned me or at least monopolized my time. It was the last of my BMWs sold to buy my jku. If you want to sell it, I suggest selling it as quickly as possible and don't fret the sentimental stuff. Sentimental feelings quickly cross over to guilt. Sell it, live in ththe present and look forward to the future! Y'all have had a lot of fun with the Wag but don't let it get in the way of your free time. And if you do get the CJ you may wind up in th same boat. But I a, very sure you realize this. Anyway, thanks for giving me something to read at work instead of actually working :)


Independent Thinker

I feel you on getting burned out of keeping an old rig on the road... and yours seems to have been more troublesome than most. It's a really, really cool rig... probably my favorite Wagoneer. But, when the excitement of driving it turns to constantly worrying about if it's going to do ok... I get it. Keep us updated on how things develop and what you decide to do.

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