Aite, here are the results of todays....stuff. You all probably saw that the master cylinder was shot on my trailer brakes.
good news was that the fitting was clean, and dripping CLEAN brake fluid.
Well, I searched and searched and eventually somebody on another forum mentioned that the MC looked like an early ford unit....well, i looked it up and it appeared very similar, so i went out and bought one. The master cylinder is an exact match. So, for future reference, this IS an early ford master cylinder.
The replacement unit cost me $17.99 at O'reilly
So, before I left work today (the camper is stored where I work, with our work trucks and whatnot) I went over and got adventurous. I pulled apart the whole actuator and brought the working bits home with me.
So, my initial observations were that while old and scudgy, everything appeared functional.
The damper/shock is nice and firm in both directions, smooth too. The bushings are nasty and old, but they are solid with no movement.
the spring is a spring, so its fine. not quite as yellow as it was 30 years ago though.
the bearings for the actuator are kind of messed up, but present. The "sides" of the top bearing are missing and its broken a bit, but should still function. I cant seem to find replacements, so if anybody knows a source for something similar, let me know please.
The actuator, pins, and emergency brake pawl ratchet thing are all fine.
Everything was together and functional, but the whole unit was full of dirt, dust, spider webs, and wasp nests. In my mind I like to imagine the wasps and spiders fighting for the territory, but there was no evidence of who the victor was.
I brought it home and laid it out, this may be helpful if you've never seen the inside of one of these things.
P.S. I've done my fair share of brakes on cars/trucks, but have never touched a trailer brake system before. So, if i'm wrong, correct me. I'm just going by what i assume to be correct, because it appears that if you have even a relatively basic understanding of 'how things work' this system should be incredibly simple to understand.
This was the first time i have ever seen something like this, and i had it apart and back together within a few minutes.
So, here we have everything laid out (except for the actual sleeve that everything goes inside) in the correct order, as assembled:
All that I would have to do is slip everything back into the sleeve of the actuator at this point (it goes in from both sides though)
Lets explode that view
This is everything in the right order, just separated a bit.
Lets explode it even further:
Again, still in order, this is how everything would go together, but broken 100% apart. still super simple.
I cleaned everything very well, and when it gets reassembled tomorrow or wednesday, i'll give everything a nice coating of white lithium grease as it goes back together. I may craft some sort of cover for this actuator for when it's in storage, or perhaps on the vehicle, to minimize the amount of dust and debris that gets caught up in it.
so at this point i have pretty much everything needed to get it back together, but i need a 90* fitting for the master cylinder. looks to go from 7/16 24 to 3/8 24, but i'll have to verify.