1980 CJ7 first Jeep build


Expedition Leader
Thanks for the intel on the rear cover. Guess that will be on the "must do" list now. :)
Glad to see that engine getting spruced up...I've found that the Purple Power stuff you can get at Walmart does a good job cleaning stuff. I spray it on and let it soak a bit and maybe scrub the hard headed parts. It has a kind of etching effect as it cleans and will leave things pretty dang clean when its washed off. I then wipe stuff down with acetone and then etch primer and spray paint it. Seems to work ok for me. :) I have to agree with pulling the front clip for a couple reasons. Your confined space is the obvious one though yes, you can work around it. But by pulling the clip you can do several things. Between the fenders and the tub you will often get some rust build up. Good time to address this. Fitting the engine in will be MUCH easier and as a bonus you can even assemble the tranny and t-case and slide it in as a unit. That is providing your hoist will handle it of course. haha! Removing the front clip really isn't that hard...about 5 nuts per fender and then the only challenging one under the grille. Sometimes these get rusty and don't like to come out and if you force it then the captive square nut will just bend its way free and spin. But overall it really is easy to pull it and it will save you a lot of back strain (I got the same issue) when you can just reach everything so easy.
Have you thought of how your going to mount the t-case to the NV4500 yet? I've run into an issue and I'm curious if yours will have the same?


Thanks for the intel on the rear cover. Guess that will be on the "must do" list now. :)
Glad to see that engine getting spruced up...I've found that the Purple Power stuff you can get at Walmart does a good job cleaning stuff. I spray it on and let it soak a bit and maybe scrub the hard headed parts. It has a kind of etching effect as it cleans and will leave things pretty dang clean when its washed off. I then wipe stuff down with acetone and then etch primer and spray paint it. Seems to work ok for me. :) I have to agree with pulling the front clip for a couple reasons. Your confined space is the obvious one though yes, you can work around it. But by pulling the clip you can do several things. Between the fenders and the tub you will often get some rust build up. Good time to address this. Fitting the engine in will be MUCH easier and as a bonus you can even assemble the tranny and t-case and slide it in as a unit. That is providing your hoist will handle it of course. haha! Removing the front clip really isn't that hard...about 5 nuts per fender and then the only challenging one under the grille. Sometimes these get rusty and don't like to come out and if you force it then the captive square nut will just bend its way free and spin. But overall it really is easy to pull it and it will save you a lot of back strain (I got the same issue) when you can just reach everything so easy.
Have you thought of how your going to mount the t-case to the NV4500 yet? I've run into an issue and I'm curious if yours will have the same?

I went and bought the adapter from novak conversions and it will bolt right up with it. Really simple easy instal.

The reason I have not pulled the front clip is all of the bolts on the body on this jeep that have been taken out so far have been very difficult and the PO broke many of them off, when installing the seats I had to literally cut the welded in nutserts out because they had been so badly damaged when he removed the seats. While I have everything apart I am going to bathe the nuts on the front clip in PB blaster, although I am going to wait until later to remove them because at a later date I will be replacing both front fenders. So for right now I have elected not to mess with it.


Well didnt get anything done yesterday, I was hurting way too bad.

Today I ripped the front clip off, scrubbed, scrubbed, and scrubbed some more, the seam sealer on the fire wall is all shot. Here are some pics.




Also finally got the trans dropped, and I painted a test patch on the firewall, I think the Rust Oleum is going to look great!




Tomorrow I am going to do some more scrubbing down and cleaning up, then going to treat all the rust with ossfoa that will have to dry over night, then I will paint it, then do the seam sealer, then paint the sealer.

In the mean time going to finish getting the engine cleaned up and painted. As well need to patch the bullet hole in the floor, tomorrow I will be getting my new welder so I can get crackin on that.

I am going to go take a nap now. Catch up with you all tomorrow.


Expedition Leader
I spy, with my little eye...a Studebaker? Lol! Sorry to hear about the back...! Get to feeling better, we are watching! :)

Ford Prefect

Expedition Leader
If you have the cash, I would be VERY seriously looking at the Genright highline fenders, or the Posion Spyder Customs tube fenders.

The tube fenders are the way to go for sure. Really nice, really easy, and you can bounce them off a lot of crap and they do not bend. Aside from that they just look so nice on those cj's. I did the PSC front tubes, and put on TJ flares on y 84 CJ-7, and I was very pleased with the outcome.

Just a thought for you.

Nice jeep, loads done on there I see, good luck with the rest of the project.


Today I ordered up a ton of stuff, got a passenger side fender on the way, ordered a dual battery tray.


Also got some stock style fender flares and ordered new wheels.


I needed new wheels because the Wagoneer Axles are 6 lug. It is actually cheaper to go 6 lug than it is to convert the axles to 5's.

Still waiting on my new welder. It "should" be here tomorrow. I am kind of stuck until it shows up.

Today I did get all the old seam sealer cleaned out, sprayed everything down with rust converter. Tomorrow morning I am going to get the seam sealer in, then assuming my welder is here get the bullet hole patched.

Then Thursday I should be able to paint the frame and firewall. Then if everything goes right Friday or Saturday the engine will go back in. Then I can get the front put back on. and hook everything up, then start worrying about getting it drivable!


I'd love to do those kind of fenders, but right now I am in this jeep over 6 grand in the last month. I just can not put any more into it.


Expedition Leader
If you've got a welder coming just make your own tube fenders....

Neat build. I like seeing some of this older stuff getting a new lease on life!


If you've got a welder coming just make your own tube fenders....

Neat build. I like seeing some of this older stuff getting a new lease on life!

I would do tube fenders, but this jeep is going to be a daily driver, and I am going to be moving to Seattle, because of this I want to be able to run fender flares to help keep the moisture down.

It has been an adventure for sure, for what I have in it I could have bought a stock LJ or TJ but then id have a stock Jeep, and it wouldn't be really any different than anything else out there.


Today got more done, got the necessary plug to get the welder plugged in and fired up. it is absolutely awesome, it has digital gauges this is going to come in real handy.

I was able to get the bullet hole welded up, got the rest of the seam sealer in, tomorrow I am going to clean the frame and firewall again, then I am going to start priming and painting. I should be stuffing the motor Sunday if everything goes right.

Also when I got home Brown Santa had left me some more goodies.

There were 5 of these:


and one of these:


Ordered it from Collins brothers, paid a pretty penny for it, but it was worth it.

has a small crack on the back by the lowest bolt hole.


But that will be really easy to fix.

Should be getting more deliveries in the next couple of days. I am getting really close to having everything I need to get it on the road, I am pretty happy about this. I have a video I will post a bit later.


Expedition Leader
On your new wheels, a couple wraps of duct tape over the safety bead area functions as a pretty good budget bead retention system.....


Time for todays update.

Got the firewall primed.


And painted!


Tomorrow I am going to work on getting the frame cleaned and painted, and try to finish getting the engine transmission and transfer case cleaned up and painted. Then either Sunday or Monday they will be going back in!

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