It has been a really long couple of weeks for me, I finally got my truck back from the body shop.
I went to put the new dash in it last night, it slipped and shattered.
I am pretty torqued off about it, in fact I am about as mad as a boy can be, I have dumped a lot of money into this truck, and it is still not right, so I have decided to sell it.
I have a long term project I have been working on for a while:
It is a 1972 Chevy that started life as a C/30, I converted it to a 4x4.
A lot of guys ask why I would tear that truck down like I did, and why I junked the bed, well the bed was junk, and the rest of the truck needed a lot of things you can not see here, as well there is this other little reason:
That is a Cummins 12 valve sitting between the fenders!
I have decided to get my 2000 thrown back together, going to run down and get my 72 where I have it stored and dive into it again.
The thing is someone stole my transmission/trasnfer case/ bell housing I had for the truck, so I am going to have to start over there.
What I am considering is since I have a Chevy NV4500, I am thinking about building that for the Jeep and taking the NV4500 that is in it now and using it in my 72.
It will mean getting another Bell housing, but I think it will be a worth while swap, as well the Chevy NV4500 I have has the ultra low 1st gear.
Kind of going to throw my plans for a loop, but in the end I think it will be worth it.
As well Sunday my buddy Charles is coming over again, we are going to get the tub set on the CJ frame and get the YJ frame out and cut up so it can go to scrap.
Going to have to make room for the 72 to sit in the shop!
Doing this I may not get the jeep as completed as I was planning on because I will be using the 72 to tow it back to Montana in June, it is actually a more complete truck because there is less I have to do to make it road ready where I can drive it every day. I figure once I am in Montana I can build the new axles for the CJ and get it all finished out and painted.