I finally got the LED's flood lights in the bumper working but I spent the better part of a day "chasing the white rabbit" in the form of a two little yellow wires named 64A and 64C!

I had a fog light switch already in the truck I wanted to use but I did not know where the wires went; so, the saga began. I will make this a short story! I found the power to the relay (signal wire) which provides power to the fog light wire was not working. I had to trace this from one side of the truck to the other and finally found the power was being grabbed at the dimmer switch on the floor. However, a bad connection was not allowing this to work properly. Once that was fixed I had to find the 64C wire...how much fun I had.

:violent-smiley-031: Finally traced it out under the hood where it vanished into a wire loom and did not come out. So, cut wire ties open wire loom and I finally found the mystical 64C cut. With that found, I was able to run the wires to the lights which went fairly quick. On the downside, my passenger side flood light has only half the lights working! You get what you pay for I suppose. O'well, the wiring is figured out and I have to replace the flood light.
All in all though, for $15 dollar flood lights I think they are going to work nicely in the woods. The angle at the ends of the bumpers certainly helps but even in my back yard the view to the right and left is greatly increased with the addition of the flood lights.