Well, camping was good and the new gears helped a lot. We certainly did not fly up the hills but we managed better than previous trips. I have yet to check the fuel mileage. After the caliper change the other three calipers are running about 20-40 degrees warmer than the new one. Going down one of the hills coming into a town called Pine we had the left front stick a little and we could smell it. I hate to do it but I am just going to have to change the other 3 too.
Aside from learning the brake caliper itself was a problem and the others are being finicky as well. I also learned, as simple as it seems.....I still have to reduce my set up and take down time, get more solar power for refrigerator and a roof rack, steps front and rear, some sort of fold out table, lines for the propane tanks ran underneath, get some sort of bed, get the A/C running as best it can, an awning and get the cab insulated a bit more for noise. That should keep me busy for a little while! I know I am missing at least 10 more "things to do" somewhere.
I found a fair deal on some old school solar panels that will give me a total of about 350 watts worth of power, now I just need to get/make a roof rack. Working on gutter mounted frame work. Amazon (of course) sells roof mounted ladder racks which will work fairly well. The brackets will work but the bars will need to be replaced as they will be too short. I plan to attach the awning to the roof rack mounts with some additional brackets.
I've sorted out the propane supply lines for the most part. Lowe's has 10 foot propane extension lines that will make it easy to fish around frame components. I am going to hard pipe the propane as far as I can easily and flexible hose the rest of the way.
I found some really nice steps that might work out and they are much heavier duty than standard rv steps.

The outside table has had many conceptual ideas but I am pretty sure I've decided I will make it fold flat to the outside of the truck when rolling and fold out/down when needed. I don't know what it is about the folding tables but I love to hate em! I've worked out most of the details and proved it will work with some cardboard and tape. The table surface will be stainless steel. Now, I have to get some sheet metal and hinges to build it up.
For the cab insulation I am going to attempt to use aluminum backed roof patch material available at Lowe's also. I will start out sparingly to see if it stays stuck in place when exposed to AZ heat. As for smell, I've had the roll sitting in the cab out of the package for weeks and never really noticed a tar odor. To see if this actually works as a noise barrier, I will take decibel readings before and after.
Lots of talking, now I've gotta get off the computer and start pulling the cab apart!