Inching along
This last weekend we made a little bit of progress. Looks like we are about to be to the point of glassing the two tops together.
Its gona look ugly before its gets pretty...
Here is aluminum rail with the brackets rivetted.
Notched out area on flippac rail for bolt access.
Interior view of 4runner rim bolted in place next to where the Flip-pac will sit.
Aluminum L bracket that will be riveted and or screw the 4runner rim and Flip-pac together.
Afterwards all bonding and transitions will be fiberglassed over.
On a side note, I seemed to have found a leak. Seems that water might be getting in from the rear latch that holds the top down.
Or maybe it is getting in from the front torsion bar hinge and making its way back to the rear. Im not sure that water could get all the way down the side from front to back though. I plan on keeping it covered and dry. Hopefully after a few good hot summer months I can reseal it with silicone having minimal moisture in there.