It's a Golden Fuel System.hi there,
are there any technical information about your veggie oil truck on your webpage?
I know you are so far, but when you are in Argentina, you need to visit:
Salta province
Jujuy province
then of course Buenos Aires, Capital Federal
South of Argentina: Trevelin, Gayman (small wales town), Bariloche, El Bolson, El Hoyo de Epuyen, Calafate, Peninsula Valdes, Puerto Piramide, Villa la Angostura, San Martin de Los Andes (those last town are very nice and are bigger than others), but Bariloche is one of the most turistic places to sky in Argentina.
Close call with the car import permit. You just reminded me I need to track down our travel/import visas from when we went to Baja in February. We didnt cancel anything either!