2 Adults, 5 Kids, Every Country in North and South America in a Veggie Powered F250


Go Dennings! Thoroughly enjoyed catching up on your blog over the last couple of days.
As many others, I am inspired by your enthusiasm and look forward to sharing your trip on this forum. Safe travels .
Sending you a PM- feel free to contact me as another pediatric resource if needed.

Addendum-another vote of thanks to the Mods for tactfully preserving the spirit of the thread. Debate and frustration is good. Just another microcosmic reflection of issues that our country, the larger "forum," is grappling with- and hopefully proof that we'll all come out stronger, smarter and enriched.
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As far as the crime rate, the majority of drug violence is one cartel against another. If they don't view you as a threat, they generally leave you alone. Just don't hang around the border areas where the vast majority of trouble happens. By the same token I would advise to avoid the projects in NYC or Chicago, or South LA. Doesn't mean the whole country is on fire. Do let someone always know where you are on a daily basis. That is just common sense.
Good luck and God bless on your journey in Old Mexico. Try the fish tacos :) lol.

Dan Grec

Expedition Leader
Hey guys,

From June 2009 Till early 2011 I drove from Prudhoe Bay to Tierra Del Fuego, solo, in my little Jeep TJ.
Ignore the people that are afraid, they are a dime a dozen and not worth your time. Fear is a powerful force for those people.

I wish I had known you were one your way South, I'm in Whitehorse, YT, Canada these days and I'm sure you passed right through here.
Next time we'll swap stories and photos.

If you can think of anything you'd like to know, or if I can help in any way, please don't hesitate to ask.

Have fun! (you will)

I'm sure I will enjoy reading along!



I think the message of this thread is "Those who can do, those who can't criticize."

I applaud the tenacity of the Dennings, we have a hard enough time keeping track of our one little guy let alone 5 kids! As for the controversy that has been circulating in the thread I have a few comments. I feel that the question of how the family is funding the trip can be a legitimate one provided it is asked with respect. Of course the family has every right not to comment however, I personally have a genuine interest as I am planning a trip with my family at some point in the coming years and all information is most welcome. I agree with many other posters that criticism is of their financial strategy is rude and unacceptable on this forum. The Dennings provided the information in good faith so if you can't be constructive "button it".

Similarly, I don't understand the criticism (or concern) regarding the education of their children. In many ways, the situation has many advantages over a traditional education system. Where else are you going to find two teachers for 5 students. Personally I was bored out of my mind during my school years and spent much of my time daydreaming about things I would like to be doing/learning about. Much of my learning was taught through reading and being out in the world doing things and this education has served me well. The Dennings are intelligent people and have the added advantage of some higher education as well; to me this is an ideal learning environment. As for the kids integration into the system upon their return; the Dennings seem to be doing a great job of raising interesting,self-confidant and adaptable children who will do well no matter what they do.

As a final note, we have always found that we are treated very well when traveling but even more so when with our son. There is a very strong family culture in many developing countries and we felt that we were looked at as a more "legitimate" family with a child. Sure there are risks in traveling to unfamiliar places but there is more risk in living a cloistered life to become fragile and fearful.

Best wishes.


New member
This is an incredible trip, and know that the lion's share of criticism is probably coming from people who are jealous of what you're doing right now. You're an inspiration, and the grace that you've displayed while replying to all of this criticism is astounding. Thanks for sharing your adventures - know that the majority of us are absolutely on your side. I can imagine your children are already smarter than most high-schoolers in the country.


Dang, I wish I saw this sooner. Looks like you went thru my town at least twice on your journey. Next time you are near Ely, NV hit me up for dinner for the family! Im emailing this to my wife. I would love to do this myself!


New member
Wow, as a new guy here I am sincerely impressed and very appreciative for being able to read about your experiences! Thank you!


Discover Share Inspire
Estamos en Mexico!!

Thank you everyone for your encouraging words and kind comments. Appreciate it!

We are in Mexico! We crossed the border at Agua Priete/Douglas, AZ on Monday. It took us an entire week to drive to Lake Chapala...wow. It's been over 4 years since we drove through Mexico last, and we had to readjust to a different pace :)

We are loving it though! It is beautiful, safe and a fantastic climate. We did have some mis-adventures (stomach and car troubles), which I'll be blogging about soon. But in the end, it's so worth it. Like my husband said, when we crossed into Mexico, we felt like we were 'coming home'. We love Latin culture.

We've kept a very detailed log of all of our expenses. We did a video detailing our crossing - the process, etc. And have kept daily video for our 'reality show' (for our channel on YouTube). Our aim is to clearly show that Mexico is safe and AWESOME!

Stay tuned for the photos and videos!




I'm anxiously awaiting your reports from Mexico. You see I live less than two miles from it for about 2 1/2 years and have never gotten much in the way of encouraging words. I think if I steer clear of our sister city juarez, and go into the interior things will be ok. Thank u for all the inspiration for sure!

Sent from my ADR6350 using Tapatalk


very cool trip, will have to follow!

I am very interested to see how south of the border goes :).

Good luck, sounds like an epic adventure!

Ray Hyland

Expedition Leader
Ha, I LOVED the videos. Those were funny, but also pretty informative, with the prices and procedures at the border.

Looks like a nice quiet spot you found for the first night there.

Keep posting.

Oh, and I don't know about everyone else, but I'd love to be able to follow along the route you are taking, so if you can post the roads you are taking, or towns you are going through that would be cool too.

And if you ever come across a road that actually needs 4WD, it would be great to know that as well. I assume everything is 2WD roads, but with your spirit of adventure I wouldn't be surprised to hear of you taking some remote little mountain track somewhere. That way anyone following behind you will know what to expect too.




Awesome, I look forward to seeing you tackle the challenges of finding your fuel source. I am in the same boat as those who think taking your kids around the world (best form of homeschooling!) is much better than any education a school can give. Good luck, I will be following your adventure.

I think if I steer clear of our sister city juarez, and go into the interior things will be ok. Thank u for all the inspiration for sure!

Absolutlely, I encountered zero problems (ok a minor thing here or there, but noting to worry about) after 2 months in Mex, driving from SD through baja, taking the ferry to mainland and then following the west coast and into the mountins a bit from Mazetlan to oxaca. Most reports here will show you that past the border towns much of Mexico is probably as safe, or possibly safer, than places in the US. Anyone who has the ability to go should, its an amazing experience.
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