2 Adults, 5 Kids, Every Country in North and South America in a Veggie Powered F250

I personally don't understand this irritation with us trying to make money from our website. My website is a full-time job, one that I spent years creating for myself, and that I work on every day, after my children are asleep, before they get up, and snippets throughout the day.

It offers tons of useful and FREE information and inspiration. It also offers a lifestyle design course for sale (as well as other ebooks, etc.) for those who want to buy them. Yes I'm trying to sell them to you, because we've worked hard to create them, and because I think they will help you design an amazing life for yourself.

Would anyone like to have a job that they work at for free? I don't think so. I do enjoy my job, and I have been doing it for free for years, but I don't feel guilty trying to earn money from it- by offering something of value - just because the work I'm doing happens to be related to fun, adventure, and (enviable) travel.

Rachel, I appreciate you taking the time to share your adventures with the rest of us. I have taken my children on many expeditions such as this over the past 8 years and still find myself able to benefit from your insight and experience. I have been on expeditions to Guatemala twice, once with my wife before we had children. Now that we have 5 the rules have changed and we will likely benefit from your insight as we get ready for our BIG Expedition where we will pack up and take the family south of the border, how far, who knows? Your thread and blog have inspired us to press forward with our dream. At the end of this year we will be taking a short jaunt south of the border to Kino Bay or Guaymas Mexico so our children can experience another culture and hopefully appreciate what they have more.

If you guys are ever in Western CO, please let me know so we can put you up for a night or a few days whichever you prefer.

Thanks again and press on with your blog and your travels.


Will a mod please clean up this thread so we can enjoy the trip?

x2, I would also like to get back to my regularly scheduled programming without the interruptions. And for the rest of the spectators: Watch the language please, I would like for my children to read this post without picking up a few new words.

One other thing, what does the mileage of a truck have to do on whether the truck will make it or not? My experience has been that the further you get south of the border, the less people worry about miles and more about overall condition. Please post your thoughts in the high mileage expedition vehicles post on General ******** Chat, instead of polluting this thread. My truck is nearing 170,000 miles and is my vehicle of choice for travels south of the border as parts are more available and it is less likely to draw attention.



of our hike that was within a stones throw of the visitors center
Sorry. You lead me to believe it was a 5 mile hike.
All members of your group should carry these and know how to use them.People and kids get separated from their group/parents everyday in the back country.
"The 10 Essentials"
1. map and compass
2. sunglasses and sunscreen
3. extra clothing
4. headlamp or flashlight
5. first-aid supplies
6. waterproof matches/lighter/candles
7. mult-itool/repair Kit
8. extra food
9. extra water
10. emergency shelter
Have fun and good luck with your trip. I hope to never have to say, I told you so.
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I did that growing up, we never carried all the crap that the people on this website do. I tend to believe the more stuff you carry, the less adaptable you are to your current situation. But I can also go off road with out a CB, VHF, SSB, Cell phone, GPS, and all the other gee wiz stuff people deem a necessity.

I mean really, 50 years ago people didn't have all this stuff, and they did just fine.

Perhaps your links show someone else's stuff? :)

Deleted member 9101

Perhaps your links show someone else's stuff? :)

********!!!!! That seriously got a good laugh out of me. I call it the "out door rubber band effect". I grew up camping with nothing, so now I over compensate...lol. :camping:


x100 on the praise- you guys are awesome. You are doing your kids a great service by challenging them physically, mentally and socially. Spending that kind of time on the road isn't really my cup of tea, but I will continue to follow your adventure!

x2 on the Mods cleaning this thread up.

Deleted member 9101

That's right, people didn't need food, clothing, water, sun protection, form of light, fire starter, first aid until recently. I am starting to wonder why I carry all of this frivolous stuff.

Well, lets see, I grew up hiking all over New Mexico, Texas, Florida and Georgia...if it didn't fit in your pockets, it didn't go.. other than water we didn't carry much at all. My father and grandfather taught me how to survive on what I could find or build... not what I could carry.


Discover Share Inspire
I find it a little sad...even though you're here to "discover, share & inspire" (on a forum that's dedicated to that exactly), there's always going to be a band of arm-chair quarterbacks & folks who can't stand the fact that you're doing what they deem impossible. Unfortunately you'll continue to experience this as long as you're sharing your experiences on the web.

Everyone has to be creative when it comes to financing a travel lifestyle. The Denning family has found something they're passionate about selling and could possibly finance a portion of their trip. There are several threads on this forum that ask about financing trips, sponsors, or making money on the road...this family has found their own answers and put forth the effort to make a little money and inspire others.

Side note:
I'm truly inspired by your family and I hope that when we have children of our own, they will follow us with the same enthusiasm that your children have. Please continue to discover, share, and inspire and I will continue to follow your family's adventures. Hopefully we can meet somewhere along the way!
Brenton & Shannon

Thanks! Appreciate it. We love meet ups :)


Discover Share Inspire
I expect your kids will do great in college, especially if they are enthusiastic readers now.

Hope so

But don't be too disappointed if some of them love the non-moving dorm room :) They do sometimes have the annoying tendency to not mirror the motivations of their parents. It's all good if that's their path.

Considered that it is a possibility - to each their own, even our own children :)


Discover Share Inspire
Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing with us! We are heading out in November, maybe we will run into you guys! Monetizing your website is a great idea and more and more overlanders are starting to get onboard. Oh and I am entirely jealous of your children growing up in such an awesome environment instead of the stuffy nonsensical drab places we call the "American school system" Ignore the hatred, you guys are awesome

Thanks! Anywhere along the way, we'd love to meet up. Keep in touch.


Discover Share Inspire
One piece of constructive rig criticism: Those storage containers you mounted on the ladder rack get brittle from the sun within a year in the midwest (and that is just sitting outside on the farm, not beating down the road). Paint them with some rattlecan, throw a tarp over them, or plan ahead to replace them. And throw a strap over them going down the road.

Yeah, I figure we'll probably have to replace them... we'll figure that out when we come to it. Though the tarp is not a bad idea, we do have one...



Discover Share Inspire
Crossing into Mexico tomorrow!

We took a family vote today to see if we should drive to New Mexico or 'Old' Mexico. The kids unanimously picked Old Mexico, so that's where we're headed. Guess we'll have to explore other parts of the U.S. on another trip :)

We're camping right now almost within spitting distance of the wall that divides Mexico from the U.S. Tomorrow we'll cross the border, who knows when or if we'll be back.


Let us in to Mexico!


Der Chef der Fahrzeuge
The Dennings are no strangers to criticism from people who can't wrap their heads around their unconventional approach to family life. That criticism can sting.

Here are two blog entries that provide insight into how difficult it can be to handle the criticism, and how the Dennings try to respond to people who are quick to pass judgement. I think we all can learn from their example.


This was great;
"It's your God-given right to live the lif you choose to live. And it's my right as well, so please keep your opinions to yourself."

Respect, love, and peace. :smiley_drive:

Ray Hyland

Expedition Leader
I don't post much on here....and a lot of the BS in this thread is a good example of why. This family came here to share an awesome adventure that many of us have taken, or dream of taking one day. A few of these jokers who obviously don't get out from behind their computer screens, just pick the Denning's adventure apart looking for an argument. This is an "In Progress Adventure," not a debate thread. Why hasn't a mod deleted the attacks in here? When I click on this thread, I want to read adventure stories and see photos, not have to sift through the idiotic statements and posts that don't belong in here....including this one. Who gives a **** where they get the money, etc....it's NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. It's rude, like asking a stranger, "how much money do you make?"

Dear Denning's family, on behalf of the people who enjoy reading your adventures and actually do get out of the house from time to time, THANK YOU FOR SHARING and PLEASE don't let the "others" discourage you from sharing your travels. I'm sorry this is the welcome you got from Expo....I use to think much better of the members on here. Keep on keepin' on and we're not all rude and judgemental.....most of us are just extremely jealous.

Will a mod with common sense please clean up this thread so we can enjoy the trip? And feel free to delete my post as well, cause just like the other's, it simply doesn't belong in an "In Progress Adventure" thread.

To TenaciousTJ and others who have asked for a clean-up:
The thread has been cleaned up a bit, but not completely sanitized. Enough remains to highlight the fact that a trip like this often reveals some deep-seated concerns among many readers.

After food, water, air, etc, Security is the most basic of human needs. (Maslow - 1943).
Security means different things to different people. To many, financial security is a big issue. To others, personal health safety when 'off the pavement" is a key concern. Everyone has their own "triggers" and we react to them in different ways. Sometimes defensively, sometimes aggressively, usually some combination.

A trip like the Dennings are taking (5 kids in a pickup truck, from Alaska to Argentina - are they crazy????) is sure to push a lot of triggers. The trip is unusual in many ways. The way they are approaching life is a little out of the ordinary. Their approach to school is not the standard. Their approach to child-rearing is not the standard. I was expecting some aggressive comments in this thread, and we have seen some. To date, the Dennings have responded with grace and style.

The edits that have been made so far are to keep the tone gentlemanly. The Dennings invite questions, but let's all remember our manners, even when we find ourselves triggered by what we read.

On a personal note - My three kids and I are really enjoying the thread thus far. Can't wait to read all about Mexico.
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Combat Truck Monkey
I love this thread, not for the un-needed criticizms that keep popping up (Wasn't it not polite to ask people about their income?), but for the woderful way this family chooses to experience life! I wouldn't worry about the homeschooling, I've seen state and federally funded schooling I wouldn't waste my kids' time in!

To the Dennings, PLEASE keep doing what you're doing... PLEASE keep up the blog so we can live vicariously through your wonderful travels. I applaud you for taking the road less travelled when it comes to living life (as I sit here in my wood-and-mortar residence relaxing before I go to my mundane job in the same mundane place like I do every weekday! Yes, it's all jealousy and it's all good!:sombrero:).

Please be safe and make every day enjoyable and educational!
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