2000 Suburban K1500 budget low lift with 37"s



And yet another coupe. If anyone knows the make model or year, they get credit.

-Looks like a 1953 Mercury Monteray

-1955 Buick


Space Monkey
More Death Valley videos

Charcoal Kilns: Timelapse from pavement's end, past Charcoal Kilns and all the way up to Mahogany Flat camp ground

Wood Canyon Rd: trail to the Argenta mine and five classic abandoned cars.

Stay tuned for more shenanigans!


Space Monkey
Last video: Nemo-Christmas Mine

This trail takes you through the Nemo Valley on the south side of Emigrant Pass. From the camp left trailo takes you to the two vertical shafts of the Christmas Mine and right trail takes you to the main adits.

Stay tuned for more shenanigans!


Space Monkey
Mid afternoon outing to Red Rock Canyon

My buddy with 2015 4Runner decided that off-roading and exploring dirt roads where his Neon can not make is pretty cool and he has joined me on several adventures. He has also gone out several times by himself and got royally stuck, so he we went out the other day to play around on a trail that we have done several times before and explore different lines and show him how to properly spot.


Deflating the tires 1/4 mile into the trail.


Kids enjoying the mountain sunset.


Artsy shot of the Sub


Trucks are ready to play in the mountains.


4Runner finally got a wheel off the ground, his kids were excited beyond belief.

Stay tuned for more shenanigans!


Space Monkey
Trailblazer SS intake manifold!

Keeping in tune with the budget oriented build in mind I found a TBSS or NNBS intake manifold for sale on eBay with fuel rails, 36lb/hr injectors, map sensor, evap solenoid and gaskets for $60 shipped. This is something that I have been looking for nearly two years now and I could not resist to purchase it. The seller did not know what he was selling.


In the LSx upgrade world this is known as the TBSS (Trailblazer SS) or NNBS (GMT900) intake manifold. Both of which are the GM part number 25383922 plastic mold where the TBSS does not have the EGR intake hole and NNBS has it but it's blocked off. Otherwise they are both identical.


Fuel rails, MAP sensor and injectors came with this!


Cathedral ports and a gasket which I will use to mock up the intake but will replace with a new one if this one leaks.


Throttle body hole is a little bigger than my current throttle body and it's also 4 bolt vs my 3 bolt. Round hole to the left of intake opening is the EGR hole so not only will this intake manifold bolt right up but will also keep my emissions system exactly the same, and I will have increased MPG on the highway!

Advantages to the TBSS intake manifold: more torque than GMT800 manifold down low and increased HP and torque gains in higher RPM. I do not particularly care about the HP but more so about the low end torque.

Other parts I need to order to make this swap happen: 92mm cable throttle body, fuel pressure regulator, fuel injector spacers, couple feet of fuel line and some AN6 fittings. Trying to keep this under $200 for everything and hopefully all the parts will be here by the time I am ready to replace my lifters.

Stay tuned for more shenanigans!


Space Monkey
Sand Dune DAY!

We went back to Armagosa Dunes to play around a little, this time I dropped the tire pressure in the Sub down to 10psi and had 6 people in it, holy cow, I was able to run some lines I never imagined possible in a 6,000lbs truck with 1,000lbs of people and gear in it.


10psi in the rear and 15psi up front, most of the day I ran in 2wd high, 2nd gear, torque converter locked.


Kids had a blast exploring the dunes and high marking in the side by side.


But the real reason why we went to the dunes today...


Was for a little sand skiing and sandboarding action.


Snowboarder is down while I just made it to the top.


My buddy had the crappiest skis with 400 extruded bases and was able to get a little more speed that I did with my sintered race bases.


Not too bad for a 200-300ft sand dune.


Easy way down.


Notice the drone, yeah, we got some videos. Working on editing them, will get them up soon.


Leeward face was way too steep for any sand rails or side by sides to even attempt so we had an entire face all to our selves.

Stay tuned for more shenanigans!


Expedition Leader
That yellow-nosed thing is a pre-WWII Ford coupe but I don't recognize the upswept line of the grill opening. maybe it's the camera angle or the true shape of the hole was covered by the grill. But the split windshield, door / wind wing and D-shaped rear window sure look like a Ford coupe. Favorite of door to door salesmen and moonshiners.


Space Monkey
That yellow-nosed thing is a pre-WWII Ford coupe but I don't recognize the upswept line of the grill opening. maybe it's the camera angle or the true shape of the hole was covered by the grill. But the split windshield, door / wind wing and D-shaped rear window sure look like a Ford coupe. Favorite of door to door salesmen and moonshiners.


Thank you. If it helps the yellow nose coupe was the car of the local Sheriff back in the day. I don't think the camera angle played tricks with the grill lines.

Credit given in the original post.

Stay tuned for more shenanigans!


Expedition Leader
How tall is your Sub now, to the top of the coffin? 8'?

You're doing right by your kids, looks like they are having a blast.

You like dune skiing you gotta go to Buttercup, south side of the 8 fwy just west of the CA / AZ border / canal. Absolute monster dunes (or used to be, been 20yrs+ since I was there last) HUGE scene on Thanksgiving. Lot of wild machines in hill climbing contests. As crowded and dangerous as Pismo on the winter holiday weekends.

Just looked at GoogleEarth, seems the major dune structures are still the same. The one fronting along the freeway had to be at least 3-400' tall.


I will give you $120 for the Trailblazer intake manifold and related parts, you can double your money :D:p

Seriously though, that is a really great find and I am looking forward to seeing how it turns out...and if it is worth the effort.


Space Monkey
How tall is your Sub now, to the top of the coffin? 8'?

You're doing right by your kids, looks like they are having a blast.

You like dune skiing you gotta go to Buttercup, south side of the 8 fwy just west of the CA / AZ border / canal. Absolute monster dunes (or used to be, been 20yrs+ since I was there last) HUGE scene on Thanksgiving. Lot of wild machines in hill climbing contests. As crowded and dangerous as Pismo on the winter holiday weekends.

Just looked at GoogleEarth, seems the major dune structures are still the same. The one fronting along the freeway had to be at least 3-400' tall.


Top of the coffin sits at 7ft 10in at the highest point. It's pretty tall, have hit it several times on low hanging branches on the trail and had to use that structural gaffers tape to hold it together.

Kids love all the adventures, and look forward to another off-road adventure every week.

I will make it out to Buttecup one of these days. The dunes look amazing and the vastness is endless however as you pointed out it does become a zoo on mild weather holidays and I am not a big fan of crowds.

Stay tuned for more shenanigans!


Space Monkey
Day Trip: Colosseum Mine and Gorge

Colosseum Mine is one of the most interesting mines in the South West Desert and is relatively easily accessible. I have told my kids about this mine and we finally had a chance to visit it.


We headed south on I15 from Vegas, crossed state line into California and turned off onto Yates Well Rd.


We approached and drove past the Ivanpah Solar power plant.


Heliostat mirrors focus sunlight on receivers located on centralized solar power towers. Receivers generate steam to drive steam turbines.


Finally past the solar power plants and onto the BLM land and the trail.


The trail to the mine was easy going, we finally made it to the giant hole in the ground. If you zoom in you can see a Jeep coming up the left side of the image. Gold, Silver, Zinc, Copper, Lead and Arsenic were mined here. This mine was operational until July 10, 1992.


Sub at the waters edge inside the mine.


Panning to the left of the sub and following the road back up 1/4 way around the mine.


Boys playing near the water at the bottom of the mine.


240degree panorama from inside of the mine. You can barely make out the trucks on the other edge of the water.


Another view of the right side of the hole from the rim.


After leaving Colosseum Mine we continued on Colosseum Gorge Rd through the mountains and stumbled on the Green Mine Cabin.


Cabin was heavily infested with mice so I did not let the boys out to explore.


I liked the look of the degrading ceiling in the cabin.


We passed through several cattle grazing gates inside the BLM area.


Finally we reached Kingston Rd or Excelsior Mine Rd depending on which direction you are coming from and headed back to I15.

Working on the timelapse video of the adventure.

Stay tuned for more shenanigans!


Space Monkey
Day trip: International Car Forest of the Last Church

Another day trip with the kids to fulfill their adventures in exploring broken down cars in the desert.


Just outside Goldfiend NV is this car forest.


Somewhere in between a junk yard, car cemetery and an open air art exhibition, just like the Coldwell Open Air Museum International Car Forest of the Las Church has a way fancier name then it deserves.


This is the main attraction and probably the most photographed vehicle.


Cars are everywhere.


Some have tasteful art on them while others are graffitied.


My Sub fits in so good that it might just have to be donated to this place as it's final resting stop.


Art is a relative term here.


Boys exploring the Night Owl Van.


I told the kids that the aliens had a hard landing when they came to earth and could not get their cars out of the dirt to drive around our planet.


I was a little skeptical about walking close to this bus, does not look like its very secure.


Former Ghost Busters bus.


This setup was used as a stage and back drop for performances in the area.


The boys explored every vehicle here that did not have too much broken glass.


Driving the bus and other vehicles was the highlight and took up most of the day.


Cars are everywhere.


The art is so diverse that everything fits together very well.


Little one banging an old hose on the bed of the truck and contributing to the artistic nature of the area.


One of my favorite pieces.


There is even an area dedicated to motorcycles and bikes.


Up on top of the hill there are several more school buses and couple more acres of cars that are spaced farther apart than the main area we were in.

We continued up north to the world famous Clown Motel, I'll post pics of that later, reached my limit in this post.

Stay tuned for more Shenanigans!

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