Quest for spacers...
So I went to the local metal supply store to see what they might have that could be made into s strut spacer. They had 5" and 6" aluminum rounds in various thicknesses. The 6"x1" was about $24 each. I picked them up and looked around a bit. I went to remnants area and found 5.5"x1.75" rounds for $10 each. I put back the 6x1's and paid for my stuff. My friend has a lathe and a mill so I told him what i found. I also sent him the drawings for the spacers I want. He assured me it would be easy.
-A few questions for anyone who is using spacers or who is an expert with front end suspension on Gen 3's: Since the aluminum I got is 1.75" thick I could use that for my lift. I have heard that a 1" spacer gives 2" of lift and that is best for suspension geometry, brake lines, etc... which is the whole concept behind Old Man Emu products, adding lift without making anything worse or pushing your luck. So should I stick with 1" spacers? Can I make it a little thicker without risk? 1.25 or 1.50"? Any advice would be appreciated.
And if anyone is wondering Industrial Metal Supply in Irvine, CA had about 30 or 40 of the aluminum rounds that I bought. So if you are near southern California and want to make some strut spacers they have what you need.