Footnote: The reason that I did this and lost my AWD function was because two years ago and then again last month the electronic actuator died and left me either stranded in 2wd or 4wd. To solve the problem instead of buying $1000 actuators was to get rid of the electronic weak point.)
Okay, so it's all done,
To swap
OUT an All Wheel Drive 01-02 AWD/4WD/L4WD transfer case and
replace with an 96-00 (non-actuator) 2wd/4wd/L4wd transfer case you need the case AND drive shafts.
The reason is below. The transfer cases are different sizes requiring different drive shafts.
(If you get the 96-00 case and shafts it IS a direct bolt in replacement)
01 on the left. 00 case on the right.
So, the case swap goes pretty self explanatory. Use the NorCal TTORA resource of service manuals to walk you through it.
You need to drop one crossmember and remember to loosen all of the wiring harnesses and my 01 had a couple of breather lines. (Definitely a lot easier with 2 people. That case is HEAVY, especially the larger 01 case.)
Make sure you use the opportunity to grease and clean up the new drive shafts.

Okay, now you have that sorted out, but in the 01-02 4runners the 4wd ECU would decide when to connect the Auto Disconnecting Differential. (here is the system:
http://www.ncttora.com/fsm/1996/SIL...ypdf/02rmsour/2002/024runne/sa/acsy1/loca.pdf )
On the 01-02 4runners and the later Tacoma's the ADD actuator is electric. For all 96-00 trucks it was vacuum operated. (this doesn't make any difference to me, but it's good to know)
Since my 01 used to have the 4wd ECU control it we'll need to install a switch to do that job. Take a look at the wiring diagram on the NorCal TTORA service manual site and you'll see which wires need to go onto this switch:
You wire up the motor wires from the ADD that go into the 4WD ECU to the rocker momentary switch. Now you can actuate the ADD as needed when you go into 4WD. (If you get the switch at the link above you can wire in the ground wire for the ADD that will ground out and then illuminate the switch when it's successfully actuated. That way you don't forget whether the actuator is open or closed.)
For more details be sure to read my thread on Rock Solid Toys where Wyatt, Kevin and Ray helped me figure all of this out. They are also able to do the swap for you should you not want to do it yourself.
The only other items I need to do is wire in the sensors on the case that you can see above to the 4wd lights on the dash so it's pretty. That can wait a bit though as the lever tells me what mode the truck is in.
Then it was time to go camping and enjoy it!