Well it looks like we can truly say we test our equipment to the extremes... Initially 4 rivets holding awning to the back-plate gave away, which was easily fixed for ~$2 - M6 bolts and nuts from Home Depot...
Next thing that happened - awning attachment bracket broke in half, literary... While driving on Saline Valley Road in Death Valley (rough road...)
For now it's fixed to the roof with zip-ties (#1 tool any overland should carry!!!) and will soon be soon replaced with a bracket that hopefully holds longer...
I don't think it's products problem, but problem how our awning is mounted - there is nothing that holds it in front portion of it and while driving on rough roads it shakes fair bit - thus braking parts here and there....
Options is to drill trough roof, which I don't want to do on our van. Will see how new bracket holds and go from there 
Next thing that happened - awning attachment bracket broke in half, literary... While driving on Saline Valley Road in Death Valley (rough road...)

For now it's fixed to the roof with zip-ties (#1 tool any overland should carry!!!) and will soon be soon replaced with a bracket that hopefully holds longer...

I don't think it's products problem, but problem how our awning is mounted - there is nothing that holds it in front portion of it and while driving on rough roads it shakes fair bit - thus braking parts here and there....